自新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来武汉人民齐心协力、守望相助与全国人民共同战“疫”、共克时艰 在那片土地上上演了许多奇迹和最美“逆行” “山深未必得春迟,处处山樱花压枝 桃李不言随雨意,亦知终是有晴时” 我们期盼着武汉,这座英雄的城市早日迎来草长莺飞、柳暗花明 待到战“疫”胜利时让我们再一起相聚樱花树下来碗热干面可好? Central China's Wuhan is a metropolis with a population of over 11 million, and the home of China's largest railway transfer hub. At the beginning of 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak befell the city. However, medical staff around China came to fight against the coronavirus for humanity, while people around the country donated useful supplies to support the city. China is fighting side by side, until we win. 推荐阅读:一封来自武汉的信:不为人知的“英雄”抗击新冠病毒的故事 外国网友力挺武汉:我们共同面对! 战武汉