自新冠肺炎疫情暴发以来,一向以铁腕执法闻名的新加坡,一直都采取较为严格的防控措施,比如利用警方调查员和监控摄像头帮助追踪疑似病例。 政府还开发出一款名叫Trace Together的app,方便其找到近距离接触过患者的高风险人群↓ 本周早些时候,新加坡政府还下令自26日起关闭所有酒吧,工作场合和学校以外的聚会不得超过10人,大型活动也被禁止。 Singapore has won international praise for its fastidious approach in tackling the virus, which has included using police investigators and security cameras to help track suspected carriers. With one of the world's highest population densities, the city-state this week announced more stringent social distancing measures such as shutting bars, limiting gatherings of up to 10 people outside work and school as well as a ban on large events. 而就在昨天,新加坡的防控措施进一步升级——规定从27日起,凡在公共场合不保持1米以上社交距离的人,最高可罚款1万新加坡元(约合人民币4.9万元),或监禁6个月,亦或两种惩罚叠加。 根据这项最新版的传染病法规,如果有人故意在公共场合靠近他人,坐的地方与其他人距离不足1米,或坐在不允许坐的座椅上,或排队时与其他人距离不足1米,都将受到惩罚。 “硬核”防疫措施的效果如何?来看看现在的新加坡: 公交站↓ 超市里↓ 餐厅里↓ 商场休息区↓ 这项法规有效期暂定持续至4月30日,餐厅、商场等场所同样适用,不仅约束个人,也约束商家。 商家需要确保顾客排队的间隔和座位间隔大于1米,否则同样受罚。 于是,餐馆老板在座位上贴了标记,以示顾客哪些地方能坐,哪些不能↓ 商家也划定了“一米线”帮助顾客确定安全社交距离↓ 为限制客流,部分商场还关闭了一些出入口↓ 还有些商场向入场的顾客派发印有二维码的票据,顾客需在离开时交还二维码以帮助商场计算在场人数,避免聚集↓ 新加坡卫生部公布的数据显示,27日当天新增确诊病例49例,累计确诊病例超过700例。 Anyone caught breaking Singapore's social distancing rules can land themselves in prison from Friday after the city-state made it an offense for a person to intentionally stand close to another person as part of its coronavirus defense. Under updates to its powerful infectious diseases law, anyone who intentionally sits less than one meter away from another person in a public place or on a fixed seat demarcated as not to be occupied, or who stands in a queue less than a meter away from another, will be guilty of an offence. Offenders can be fined up to 10,000 Singapore dollars (6,990 U.S. dollars), jailed for up to six months, or both. The rules, in place until April 30, can be applied to individuals and businesses. 除了新加坡之外,全球很多国家也实施了严格的防疫措施。 A man wears a protective mask as he sits on Monastiraki Square in Athens, Greece, March 15, 2020. /Reuters 希腊政府多次警告民众不要无视防控措施,但仍有人不听。数百名企业主和个人因违反规定被警察逮捕。 In Greece, authorities have repeatedly warned people against flouting coronavirus-induced measures. While most Greeks heed the government's call to enter self-quarantine, defiance of these warnings is still visible. Hundreds of business owners and individuals have been arrested by police for violating restrictions put in place. Border police officers wait to check vehicles at the last toll gate entering Spain from France, following an order from the Spanish government to set up controls at its land borders over coronavirus, in La Jonquera, Spain March 17, 2020. /Reuters 西班牙从3月14日开始在全国范围内实施“封城”措施,但还有不少违规的人。据西班牙《国家报》27日报道,军队和警方已经因此逮捕至少900人。 In Spain, where a nationwide lockdown was introduced on March 14, the army and police have been deployed to enforce the temporary measure. El Pais reported on Wednesday that at least 900 arrests were made for disobedience. Jordanian army members stand guard at a check point after the start of a nationwide curfew, amid concerns over the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) spread, in Amman, Jordan March 21, 2020. /Reuters 即便在疫情相对来说并不严重的约旦,疫情防控措施也很严格。约旦目前确诊病例不到300例,此前实施了“封城”措施,大部分人必须待在家里,杂货店和药铺也临时关闭了。 虽然后来放宽了限制,但是全国从晚上6点到第二天上午10点的宵禁没有取消,已有超过1600人因违反宵禁规定被捕。 Strict measures can also be seen in countries less affected by the pandemic. Jordan, with less than 300 confirmed cases, has implemented one of the strictest lockdowns in the world, forcing most people to stay at home and temporarily shutting down even grocery stores and pharmacies. More than 1,600 people have been arrested in Jordan for breaking the nationwide curfew. The curfew rules were much more drastic than most of the hardest-hit countries, which have placed lockdowns for weeks but stopped short of arresting people for going out of their homes. Authorities eased restrictions on movement on Tuesday, the fourth day of the lockdown, allowing people to leave their homes on foot for essential trips, such as purchasing food from small convenient stores and obtaining medicine. A curfew is still in place from 6 p.m. to 10 a.m. 推荐阅读:我们无法重启2020,但我们可以…… “病毒没有国界,不区分种族、肤色和财富”