然而,美国总统特朗普却在推特上接二连三地把新冠肺炎称为“中国病毒”。3月18日,世界卫生组织卫生紧急项目负责人迈克尔·瑞安针对特朗普的言论做出了回应。瑞安表示,病毒没有国界,不区分种族肤色和财富。在语言使用上更应该小心谨慎,避免将病毒与种族或其他领域相联系的表达。他以2009年爆发的H1N1流感为例:“2009年(H1N1)流感大流行是始于北美,我们也没把它称作北美流感。我们要求每个人在这一刻都抱有团结的想法,这是需要事实并一起抗击病毒的时刻,而不是责怪谁。”"Viruses know no borders and they don't care about your ethnicity, the color of your skin or how much money you have in the bank. So it's really important we be careful in the language we use lest it leads to the profiling of individuals associated with the virus," said Executive Director of WHO Health Emergencies Programme Mike Ryan in response to Trump's usage of the "Chinese Virus" on Wednesday.Ryan said that the 2009 (H1N1) pandemic started in North America, and people don't call it the North American flu. So when it comes to other viruses, the same approach must be used, avoiding connecting a virus with a region. He stressed that this is the time to fight the virus together, and people need to work together, rather than blaming each other."All we need now is to identify the things we need to do to move forward quickly, with speed and to avoid any indication of ethnic or other associations with this virus," said Ryan.污名化、强行将病毒与种族关联,带来的只会是更多的偏见、歧视、恐慌……
美国哥伦比亚广播公司华裔记者蒋维佳(Weijia Jiang)发推文称,在参加白宫新闻发布会时,一名白宫官员当着她的面将新冠病毒称为“功夫流感”。在纽约、旧金山等一些美国城市,发生了多起针对亚裔的暴力攻击事件。而据《纽约时报》、《卫报》等媒体的报道,因为担心疫情激发种族歧视和仇恨,美国一些亚裔居民纷纷买枪防身。The stigmatization of the novel coronavirus only brings discrimination, xenophobia and fear.CBS News correspondent Weijia Jiang, who was born in China and grew up in West Virginia, on Tuesday tweeted about her experience of suffering discrimination. An unnamed White House official had used a racist term "Kung-Flu" to refer to the virus in front of her.As the novel coronavirus outbreak sweeps through the U.S., Asian Americans are facing a rising tide of discrimination and xenophobia. Such cases emerged in cities like New York and San Francisco, where Asian Americans were violently attacked.Meanwhile, some Asian Americans have bought guns to protect themselves from racial and xenophobic acts of violence, according to reports by The New York Times and The Guardian.而特朗普使用“中国病毒”这样的字眼,正在为这种局面“火上浇油”,继续散播“种族歧视的病毒”。Many criticized that Trump's usage of the "Chinese Virus" would continue to spark backlash and violence against Asian Americans in the country. 华裔众议员刘云平(Ted Lieu)在推特上向特朗普喊话,指出他的污名化言论让美国华裔群体遭受更多的歧视。“这种言论对于抗击疫情毫无用处,你应该做的是妥善运用《国防生产法》,向一线医护人员提供更多防护装备……”
Ted Lieu, a Chinese American who serves as a U.S. representative, condemned Trump's racist rhetoric, warning that Trump's tweet would lead to more discrimination against Chinese Americans.华裔篮球运动员林书豪(Jeremy Lin)也在推特上批评特朗普的言论:“我希望你能大力支持那些因为你应对病毒不力而遭受苦难的弱势群体,包括受到你种族主义影响的弱势群体。”
Chinese-American basketball player Jeremy Lin also blasted Trump's racist remarks and urged the president to prioritize the "vulnerable people" who are anguished the most during this time.美国国内还有不少抨击的声音,直指特朗普使用歧视性词汇描述新冠病毒,只不过是为了转移民众注意力,掩盖其在疫情防控上的不力。美国前国务卿希拉里·克林顿、美国前副总统拜登纷纷发推表示特朗普叫嚣“中国病毒”不过是为了推卸防控不力的责任。
Moreover, people like former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former Vice President Joe Biden also slammed Trump for using racist rhetoric to distract the public's attention from his mismanagement of the novel coronavirus outbreak. 面对争议和批评声,白宫官方推特3月19日却仍在为特朗普发推“狡辩”:“西班牙流感、西尼罗河病毒、寨卡、埃博拉,都是用地名命名的。”然而,这些疾病或病毒名称已被世界卫生组织列为应该规避的命名例子。世界卫生组织在《世界卫生组织命名新型人类传染病的最佳实践》给出的一些应该避免的命名例子2015年,为了防止疾病、病毒的不当命名造成的负面影响,世界卫生组织、世界动物卫生组织和联合国粮农组织联合发布了《世界卫生组织命名新型人类传染病的最佳实践》。
这一指引旨在减少疾病名称对贸易、旅游业、动物福利产生不必要的负面影响,避免对任何文化、社会、国家、地区、专业或民族群体造成冒犯。WHO, the World Organization for Animal Health and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 2015 published a guideline "WHO best practices for naming of new human infectious diseases".It aimed at minimizing the unnecessary negative impacts of disease names on trade, travel, tourism or animal welfare, and avoiding causing offence to any cultural, social, national, regional, professional or ethnic groups. 地理位置:如城市、国家、地区、大陆等
Geographic locations: cities, countries, regions, continents
People's names
Species/class of animal or food
Cultural, population, industry or occupational references
Terms that incite undue fear:unknown, death, fatal, epidemic