而这样的呼声,恐怕对于美国政府来说,不免有些“刺耳”。4月2日,美国代理海军部长托马斯·莫德利宣布,克罗泽因“制造恐慌”和“判断力极其糟糕”被免职。至于克罗泽被免职的起因,还要从他的一封求援信说起。U.S. Navy sailors cheered and applauded their former commander, Capt. Brett Crozier, as he disembarked from the USS Theodore Roosevelt, after he was fired for asking for help amid an outbreak of COVID-19 aboard the aircraft carrier.Crozier had sent a letter detailing the COVID-19 threat on his ship and pleading for help from leadership. That letter was later leaked to news media.Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly fired Crozier for “creating panic” and “demonstrating extremely poor judgment” during a crisis, by distributing the letter to as many as 30 people.3月30日,作为“罗斯福”号舰长的克罗泽致信美国国防部,请求上级协助应对新冠肺炎疫情,尽快允许全体舰员下舰并采取隔离措施。航母上有大约5000名舰员,当时感染者已有上百人。他在信中写道,航母上的疫情正在迅速恶化。他们正与时间赛跑,舰员们的生命岌岌可危。舰上人多但空间有限,舰员们共享宿舍、卫生间和电脑等公共设施,负责伙食的舰员也暴露在新冠病毒中,反复消毒、尽可能隔离等措施都已尝试过,但这些都只能是减缓病毒传播,无法有效遏制。克罗泽表示,应吸取“钻石公主”号邮轮的教训,海军若不尽快采取措施,就无法妥善照顾“我们最信任的财富——我们的水手”。他恳求道:“现在并非战争时期,没必要让舰员们白白送死。”这封信随后被美国媒体曝光。In the letter which leaked Tuesday, Crozier called for removing more than 4,000 sailors from the ship and isolating them, and wrote that unless the Navy acted immediately it would be failing to properly safeguard "our most trusted asset - our sailors.""The spread of the disease is ongoing and accelerating," he wrote."We are not at war. Sailors do not need to die," he pleaded.然而,这一请求不仅遭到了拒绝,克罗泽还被扣上了“失职”的帽子。莫德利表示,克罗泽夸大了舰上的实际情况,“美国海军高层没有解决问题”是错误言论。此外,他还指责克罗泽“判断失误”,将一封写给上级的信件发给了30个人,增加了信件遭泄露的几率,使得这封信在国防部高官阅览之前就被媒体曝光了。莫德利称,虽然舰上有114名新冠肺炎患者,但病情都不严重。“我毫不怀疑,克罗泽舰长做了他认为对保护舰员安全和健康最有益的事情。”莫德利说,“但不幸的是,结果却恰恰相反。”莫德利认为,克罗泽的行为不仅惊扰了舰员家属,还引发了外界对“罗斯福”号作战能力和作战安全的关注,使对手有机可乘。Modly said the situation was exaggerated and that it was not correct that the Navy leadership was not addressing the problem at the time the letter went out. In addition, he faulted Crozier for "an uncharacteristic lapse in judgment" in sending an unclassified letter meant for his superiors to as many as 30 people, increasing the chance it would be made public, allowing it to be leaked earlier this week to U.S. media before top defense officials saw it.Modly said that while there have been 114 cases of the coronavirus in the crew so far, none has been severe and Crozier overstated the severity when he suggested sailors were going to die without fast action."I have no doubt in my mind that Captain Crozier did what he thought was in the best interests of the safety and well-being of his crew," said Modly."Unfortunately, it did the opposite." In addition to frightening families of the sailors, he said, "it raised concerns about the operational capabilities and operational security of that ship that could have emboldened our adversaries to seek advantage."而对于克罗泽说的“并非战争时期”,莫德利则回应称,虽然现在不是“传统意义上的战争时期”,但“也绝不是和平年代”,理由是“许多国家正通过多种方式削弱我们实现国家战略目标的能力”。"While we may not be at war in a traditional sense, neither are we truly at peace.... Many nations are reaching in many ways to reduce our capacity to accomplish our own strategic national goals," Modly said."We require our commanders with judgment, maturity and leadership composure under pressure to understand the ramifications of their actions within that larger, dynamic strategic context."当被问及克罗泽是否因信件泄露而被免职时,莫德利给出的答复则是,虽然不知道是谁泄露给了媒体,但这种行为确实“坏了规矩”。他还强调,克罗泽致信高层表达担忧这一做法绝不会招致任何形式的报复。When asked multiple times whether the captain faced discipline, Modly said: "I don't know who leaked the letter to the media. That would be something that would violate the principles of good order and discipline, if he were responsible for that. But I don't know that.""The fact that he wrote the letter up to his chain of command to express his concerns would absolutely not result in any type of retaliation," he added.不过这一说法并没有得到美国媒体和民众的信服。一时间,众多美国媒体相继刊文,网友们也纷纷留言,为克罗泽“打抱不平”。所以@美国海军更在乎保护特朗普的政治生涯,而不是他们的水手。明白了。克罗泽舰长是真正的爱国者,他将士兵的福祉置于自己的事业之上。虽然知道自己将面临被免职的风险,但仍做了正确的事。我只希望国会和白宫里有更多像他一样的美国人。美国前副总统拜登也发推猛烈抨击此举是军方领导层的“错误判断”,盛赞被免职的克罗泽“忠于职守”,海军官员的决定向其他军事指挥官发出了错误信号。此外,网友们还在网上签署了一份请愿书,呼吁美国海军恢复克罗泽航母舰长的职务。在克罗泽被免职的第二天,签署请愿书的人就已经超过12万。请愿书中写道,克罗泽可能救了很多人的命。“他是英雄,应该获得奖赏。”More than 120,000 people have signed a petition calling on the U.S. Navy to reinstate the captain of a coronavirus-stricken aircraft carrier a day after he was relieved of his command for a letter sent to superiors urging stronger measures to halt the outbreak."His actions possibly saved many lives," the online petition said. "Although he was fired, his plan to safely remove crew members was still implemented. He is a hero who should be rewarded."然而,美国总统特朗普和国防部长马克·埃斯珀仍支持对克罗泽的免职。特朗普狠批了克罗泽。在4日举行的记者会上,特朗普说:“我认为他做的事太糟糕了,还写封信,这又不是文学课。”特朗普说,克罗泽是拥有核动力大型舰船的舰长,却写了封长达5页的信,还弄得到处都是,“这不合适,我认为非常不合适。”However, U.S. President Donald Trump and Defense Secretary Mark Esper backed the Navy's firing.
“I thought it was terrible what he did, to write a letter. This isn’t a class on literature. This is a captain of a massive ship that’s nuclear-powered,” Trump said at a news briefing Saturday evening. “The letter was a five-page letter from a captain, and the letter was all over the place. That’s not appropriate. I don’t think that’s appropriate.”“罗斯福”号航母现状
The Navy ship is docked in Guam. So far, 155 of the almost 5,000 sailors on board have tested positive for COVID-19.
According to AP reports, up to 3,000 sailors are expected to be taken off the ship in Guam to be quarantined.
The carrier was in the Pacific when the Navy reported its first coronavirus case a week ago. It has since docked at the U.S. Naval Base Guam on the southern end of the American island territory in the western Pacific.