
美国国会拟举行疫情应对调查听证会 白宫:福奇不准去!

CGTN 2020-08-24

为调查美国政府对新冠疫情的应对情况,美国国会众议院拨款委员会预计下周举行听证会,拟传唤传染病专家安东尼·福奇(Anthony Fauci)出席。

然而该委员会发言人埃文·霍兰德(Evan Hollander)称,白宫已经拒绝让福奇参加听证会。

Top U.S. health official Anthony Fauci has been blocked by the White House from testifying next week to a congressional committee examining the administration's response to the coronavirus pandemic, a spokesman for the panel said on Friday.

"We have been informed by an administration official that the White House has blocked Dr. Fauci from testifying," House Appropriations Committee spokesman Evan Hollander said in an email.

随后,白宫副新闻秘书贾德·迪尔(Judd Deere)也证实了此事。他表示特朗普政府一直致力于抗击疫情,包括推动经济重启和疫苗开发,“但让这些参与抗疫的个人出现在听证会上是适得其反的”。不过他也提到白宫会全面与国会合作,在适当的时候提供证词。

"While the Trump Administration continues its whole-of-government response to COVID-19, including safely opening up America again and expediting vaccine development, it is counter-productive to have the very individuals involved in those efforts appearing at Congressional hearings," said Judd Deere, the White House deputy press secretary.

"We are committed to working with Congress to offer testimony at the appropriate time," added Deere. 



2月,美国总统特朗普任命副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)全权负责疫情应对工作。彭斯新官上任的“首把火”,就是要求所有疫情的发布信息必须经过副总统办公室的协调。



In February, the New York Times (NYT) reported U.S. Vice President Mike Pence controlled the flow of information from federal agencies about the novel coronavirus response after he was appointed as the government's point-person for COVID-19. 

The NYT said that Fauci was instructed by the White House not to say anything else about the virus without clearance.

一位名叫贾德·勒冈(Judd Legum)的美国记者也在推特上披露,福奇本来有多场与疫情相关的节目,在彭斯要求所有疫情发布信息 “口径一致”后,这些节目也都被取消。







Fauci on Tuesday warned of the coronavirus' return during an interview with The Economic Club of Washington. "In my mind, it's inevitable that we will have a return of the virus, or maybe even that it never went away," he said, adding that the U.S. "could be in for a bad fall" if effective treatments were not found by then to fight the virus.



福奇在接受《早安美国》节目采访时说,过早重新开放美国经济将会“适得其反”,敦促在重新开放各州时保持谨慎。他表示 “从经济学的角度来看,(限制措施)确实造成了伤害。但是,除非美国能把病毒完全控制住,否则不会有真正意义上的经济复苏。”

On ABC's program "Good Morning America", Fauci urged caution in reopening states. "Clearly this is something that is hurting from the standpoint of economics and the standpoint of things that have nothing to do with the virus, but unless we get the virus under control, the real recovery economically is not going to happen," said Fauci.



Fauci previously suggested the available evidence on the origins of the virus is "totally consistent with a jump of a species from an animal to a human", throwing cold water on conspiracy theories that coronavirus was created in a Wuhan lab.





Far more Americans are placing their trust in what Fauci says about COVID-19 than the words of President Donald Trump, according to a poll by NBC News and Wall Street Journal in April. 

Three out of five Americans told pollsters they trust Fauci's opinions and suggestions about the pandemic. Trump, meanwhile, is distrusted by most of the nation with only 36 percent of those surveyed saying they trust the president.




There are Fauci fan clubs on Facebook with tens of thousands of followers and Fauci-loving Instagram pages. The expert has also sparked a cottage industry of funny and strange fan products, like socks, sweaters, and mugs. Brewers, bakeries, and restaurants across the country also nodded to the famous expert with special items on their menus. 

American Oscar-winning actor Brad Pitt even played Fauci on "Saturday Night Live," one of the most popular American TV shows. 

不过在美国国内,也有部分人认为“停止大部分经济活动造成的经济损害比新冠病毒造成的疾病和死亡更有害”,他们把提议 “居家隔离”、“保持社交距离”的福奇视作了攻击的“靶心”。

4月中旬,美国密歇根州、得克萨斯州、缅因州等地爆发反对 “居家令”的抗议示威活动。抗议活动中,示威者们喊出了“炒掉福奇”的口号,要求特朗普解雇福奇。

However, Fauci has also drawn the ire of those backing the government's social-distancing and stay-at-home guidelines. In the middle of April, several protests were organized in states like Michigan, Texas, and Maine, during which people rallied against the lockdown policy and called for Fauci removal. 




美国新冠病毒感染超55万例 ,福奇:若白宫早点采取措施,可挽救更多生命

