这一结论驳斥了此前美国总统特朗普声称有证据表明病毒源于中国武汉实验室的说法。世卫组织卫生紧急项目执行主任迈克尔·瑞安当天在记者会上重申了联合国机构的立场,并强调这一结论是多次听取数位仔细研究过新冠病毒基因序列和病毒本身的专家的意见后得出的。瑞安表示,现在重要的是确定新冠病毒的自然界宿主,这主要是为了更好了解新冠病毒以及病毒如何打破物种界限由动物传播给人,及时采取相应预防措施和公共卫生措施,防止未来再次出现类似疫情。世卫组织正就此与各国展开合作。此前,美国国家情报局发布声明,承认同意科学界的广泛共识,即新冠病毒不是人造的,也未经过基因改造。但稍晚时候,特朗普却依旧卖力炒作“新冠病毒源于中国实验室”的谣言,并拒绝提供具体判断依据。“这不过是特朗普转移责任,重新竞选的策略之一,总之一切都是别人的问题……我认为他不值得媒体这么关注,因为这只会让他为了个人利益传播更多的错误信息。”“现在最重要的是怎么解决问题,而不是去怪谁,最后的评判迟早会来,是时候停止传播(假消息),而应该拯救更多生命。”“他(特朗普)越来越愚蠢了,只会拿中国当替罪羊,然而现在全世界都知道到底是谁辜负了美国,并不是中国。”The World Health Organisation reiterated on Friday that the new coronavirus was of natural origin after U.S. President Donald Trump claimed he had seen evidence it originated in a Chinese lab.Scientists believe the killer virus jumped from animals to humans, emerging in China late last year, possibly from a market in Wuhan selling exotic animals for meat.Trump claimed Thursday that he had seen proof that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was actually the source of the outbreak, although he refused to give details.Asked about Trump's claim during a virtual press conference, WHO emergencies chief Michael Ryan stressed that the UN health agency had "listened again and again to numerous scientists who have looked at the sequences" of the virus."We are assured that this virus is natural in origin," he said, reiterating a stance the UN agency has expressed previously.
谭德塞表示,在搜集足够信息后,突发事件委员会成员于1月30日达成一致意见,建议总干事宣布其为“国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”,当时中国以外仅有82例新冠肺炎病例,无死亡病例,这意味着世界有足够时间干预疫情发展。他认为,世卫组织及时宣布了新冠肺炎疫情为“国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”,并强调:“我们没有浪费时间。”他呼吁各国在维持本国基本卫生服务的同时,积极展开国际间的广泛合作,努力查明病毒的人畜共患病原和向人类的传播途径。谭德塞表示,随着对该病毒了解增多,以及从各国了解到更多应对疫情的最佳做法,世卫组织将不断审查和更新相关建议。与此同时,世卫组织将与各国及伙伴合作,继续领导和协调全球应对新冠肺炎疫情工作,包括继续向所有国家提供技术和后勤支持,确保疫情应对所需的人道主义救援货运作业及必要旅行成为可能,并推动各国逐步恢复正常的旅客旅行。WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus continued Friday to push back against criticism lobbed at his organization, by Trump in particular, who suspended Washington's funding after accusing the UN agency of downplaying the seriousness of the outbreak and kowtowing to China.Tedros said the WHO had sounded the highest level of alert by declaring that the COVID-19 outbreak constituted a "public health emergency of international concern" on Jan 30, when there were no deaths and only 82 cases registered outside China."We didn't waste any time," he said during Friday's briefing. "The world had enough time to intervene."His comments came after WHO's emergency committee met for the first time since making its declaration three months ago."Of course, the pandemic remains a public health emergency of international concern," Tedros said after receiving the recommendations from the committee, made up of 19 independent experts.While maintaining the global alert level, the experts made a range of general recommendations on how the WHO and countries should adjust their response to the pandemic.It called among other things for broad cooperation to "identify the zoonotic source of the virus and the route of introduction to the human population."It also called on WHO to "update recommendations on appropriate travel measures" linked to the outbreak, and to consider "the balance between benefits and unintended consequences" such as the difficulties of transporting humanitarian aid when so many flights are grounded.