The number of confirmed COVID-19 infections in the U.S. hit 1,133,069, with 66, 385 deaths, and 6,816,347 people have been tested, as of 15:00 BJT on Thursday, according to statistics released by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University. The U.S. is the country most severely hit by COVID-19 in the world.
Some medical experts have even indicated that the current relaxation of epidemic prevention restrictions may be fatal. On Friday, Irwin Redlener, an expert at Columbia University Medical Center, said this is a big mistake and will pay the price of life.In addition, Anthony Fauci, the chief infectious disease expert in the United States, once said on an NBC television program: "You can't just leap over things and get into a situation where you’re really tempting a rebound." Experts in more than half of the states warned that there will be a great risk of relaxing epidemic prevention control.However, Trump completely ignored the issue of detection capabilities and actively promoted the resumption of production, hoping to restart the U.S. economy. 5月1日,亚拉巴马州、缅因州、田纳西州和得克萨斯州等在“居家令”到期后,已批准重新恢复餐厅用餐、商场购物等活动,企业也开始复工。佛罗里达州4月29日已逐步开放部分商业活动,艾奥瓦州、北达科他州和怀俄明州等都将计划有条件的放宽限制,新泽西州也计划重新开放州立公园和高尔夫球场。部分疫情高发地区则陷入两难境地。反“居家令”抗议活动愈演愈烈,密歇根州甚至发生持枪抗议事件,加上美国总统特朗普的“推波助澜”,个别州在疫情控制的决策上出现严重分歧。据预计,到5月10日,美国将有近40个州“解封”。尽管支持复工的呼声高涨,仍有不少美国民众不愿轻易冒险。据美国《国会山报》报道,Qualtrics近日开展的一项民意调查结果显示,由于担心自身安全,近三分之二的美国民众不希望在没有得到疾病控制与预防中心关于安全返岗的保证以前重回工作岗位。然而,佐治亚州、得克萨斯州和艾奥瓦州等均表示,拒绝工作的员工将失去获得领取失业救济金的资格。除美国外,不少欧洲国家也展开了经济与疫情的博弈。英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊在4月30日召开的记者会上明确表示,英国疫情已经度过高峰期,政府将在满足几个重要指标后逐步解除管制措施。法国政府也宣布将从5月11日起放松大部分地区的管制措施,但仍会对重灾区实施严格管控。
In the game battlefield between the economy and the epidemic, in order to restore the economy, the situation in Europe has gradually taken a step-by-step, sub-industry gradual relaxation of control measures. The British government is expected to announce small-scale relaxation measures on May 7, the French government also stated that it will start relaxation from May 11th, but the localities in the severely affected areas still strictly control.
美国国会拟举行疫情应对调查听证会 白宫:福奇不准去!