继特朗普之后,一直叫嚣新冠病毒“源自武汉实验室”的美国国务卿蓬佩奥,最近也改口了。 在当地时间6日举行的新闻发布会上,蓬佩奥承认,美国并不能确定新冠病毒源自中国武汉的实验室,但他同时表示“有重要证据表明病毒源自武汉实验室”。他还狡辩说,这两个表述都是正确的。 U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Wednesday repeated the contested claim that the coronavirus originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, despite saying the U.S. couldn't be sure. During a morning news conference at the U.S. State Department, Pompeo conceded that the U.S. could not be certain, but added "There is significant evidence that this came from a laboratory. Those statements can both be true." 特朗普和蓬佩奥近来一直在兜售“实验室起源论”,宣称新冠病毒来源于武汉实验室,而非自然界,遭到国际社会各界人士“打脸”。 从政界到科学界,否认“病毒源自实验室”的声音越来越多。他们一致认为,新冠病毒并非中国制造出来的,也极不可能是武汉病毒研究所故意泄漏的。 U.S. President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have been touting their theory for weeks that the coronavirus originated not in nature but in a laboratory in Wuhan, China. But more and more officials and scientists defied the theory, denying that China made the coronavirus, and claiming that it's highly impossible the virus was accidentally leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. ↓↓↓ 点击查看↑↑↑蓬佩奥自相矛盾、抹黑中国,世卫组织:病毒起源言论“纯属猜测” >>世卫组织否认 世卫组织卫生紧急项目负责人迈克尔·瑞安4日就曾表示,由于美方并未提供相关证据,因此其认为这种言论纯属臆测。 世卫组织卫生紧急项目技术主管玛丽亚·范·科霍夫表示,冠状病毒一般在蝙蝠中传播,目前约1.5万个完整的病毒基因序列都显示新冠病毒非人造。 The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday that Washington had provided no evidence to support "speculative" claims by the U.S. president that the new coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab. WHO expert Maria Van Kerkhove stressed during Monday's briefing that there were some 15,000 full genome sequences of the novel coronavirus available, and "from all of the evidence that we have seen ... this virus is of natural origin." >>美军将领否认 美军最高将领、美参谋长联席会议主席马克·米利5日也表示,现有证据表明,新冠病毒源于自然界,并非人为制造或武汉实验室故意泄漏。 Mark Alexander Milley, the Pentagon's top uniformed official on Tuesday stated that based on available evidence, the virus was natural and not man-made or released purposely from the Wuhan lab. >>科学界否认 美国首席传染病专家福奇近日在接受美国《国家地理》采访时表示,没有科学证据证明新冠病毒是由中国实验室人为制造的。 同时,福奇也否认了“有人在野外发现病毒,将病毒带回实验室,然后又从实验室泄漏”的说法,他称这种说法本身也就意味着病毒一开始就是在野外的。 Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, told National Geographic that he doesn't believe the virus originated in a lab. When it comes to the alternative theory that some "scientists found the virus outside the lab, brought it back, and then it escaped," Fauci responded with indifference, saying that "[the virus] was in the wild to begin with. That's why I don't get what they're talking about [and] why I don't spend a lot of time going in on this circular argument." 此外,多国学者也纷纷表示,有强有力的证据证明新冠病毒源于自然界,美国部分政客关于病毒来源于实验室的指控实属“无稽之谈”。 点击查看↑↑↑新冠病毒源于武汉实验室?国际社会强烈驳斥:无稽之谈! >>情报界否认 “五眼联盟”的共享情报显示,新冠病毒“极不可能”是因武汉实验室事故而泄漏的。“五眼联盟”由美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚与新西兰五国的情报机构组成。 The intelligence shared among Five Eyes nations also indicates it is "highly unlikely" that the pandemic is the result of an accident in the Wuhan laboratory. The assessment has coalesced among the countries in the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing coalition. The Five Eyes alliance is made up of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. 戳视频了解详情↓ 对于美国频频“甩锅”中国的行为,美国媒体刊文指出,其原因是出于政治考虑。 美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)6日刊发了一篇评论文章,称特朗普政府撒下弥天大谎,即把中国视作美国问题的根源。 该文作者是美国哥伦比亚大学可持续发展中心主任杰弗里·萨克斯,他认为,美国政府的这种谎言之所以发挥了作用,是因为其迎合了美国人“自大”的心态——“如果中国成功了,那他们一定是在作弊”。 The big lie of the Trump administration is that China is the cause of America's problems, wrote Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, in a CNN opinion article on Wednesday. The meme has worked for a while, since it plays into American smugness that if China is succeeding, they must be cheating, Sachs pointed out. 同日,美国《外交政策》也刊发评论文章称,在美国大选前夕的“愚蠢政治季”,“让中国付出”这一口号反映出特朗普惯用的伎俩:把中国作为党派利益斗争的道具。文章认为,这种做法是非常愚蠢的。 On the same day, Foreign Policy also published an opinion piece, pointing out that the narrative of "make China pay" is unfolding during Washington's "political silly season" of presidential election run-up. This unofficial slogan reflects the usual tactics of Trump using China as a campaign prop for partisan gains. Author Doug Bandow, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, pointed out that the idea of "making China legally liable is […] foolish." 推荐阅读:蓬佩奥自相矛盾、抹黑中国,世卫组织:病毒起源言论“纯属猜测” 外媒:参与武汉病毒研究所工作的美专家表示“实验室泄露极其不可能” 不信情报界结论,特朗普坚称病毒源于武汉实验室?美媒披露内幕