5月25日,美国非裔男子乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)在遭遇白人警察暴力执法后不幸身亡。近日来,由此事引发的反种族歧视抗议示威活动愈演愈烈。眼下,愤怒之火正在全美、甚至是全世界剧烈地燃烧。
纽约市市长白思豪(Bill de Blasio)表示,将会启动对该市警车冲撞人群一案的调查。其实,美国警察暴力执法并不是新鲜事。据美国“警察暴力地图”网站统计,2013至2019年间,美国警察共杀死7666人。这意味着,美国每年平均有1000多人死于警察暴力执法,其中,许多受害者都是少数族裔。The death of George Floyd has triggered anger nationwide in the U.S. According to multiple media outlets, people have taken to the streets to protest against racism and police violence in at least 75 cities across the country. Ironically, the protesters against police violence are suffering from it now. According to data provided by Mapping Police Violence, U.S. police has killed 7,666 people from during the period of 2013 to 2019, which means that over one thousand people die of police violence each year. Many of the victims were African-Americans and Hispanics.29日,有民众针对弗洛伊德之死在白宫外举行抗议活动。当晚,美国特勤局下令紧急封锁白宫。据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报道,就在白宫封锁期间,美国总统特朗普曾短暂地被带入地下掩体处进行躲避,随后又被带回楼上。眼下,华盛顿特区的示威活动正持续升级。抗议者在华盛顿中心区多个地标性建筑上涂鸦抗议。国家广场附近的雕塑出现了“黑人的命也很重要”的标语;林肯纪念堂的石座被喷上“还没有累吗?”的字样;二战纪念碑附近的喷泉石座也被喷上了“黑人老兵重要吗?”的语句。Spray paint that reads "YALL NOT TIRED YET?" is seen on the base of the Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall in Washington early Sunday, the morning after protests over the death of George Floyd. /APSpray paint that reads "DO BLACK VETS COUNT?" is seen on the World War Two Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, May 31, 2020, the morning after protests over the death of George Floyd. /APSeveral American media outlets reported that U.S. President Donald Trump was briefly taken to an underground bunker on Friday during protests outside the White House over the death of George Floyd. The protests in Washington, D.C. are escalating, with numerous popular landmarks across the city having been defaced with graffiti. 随着美国各地抗议活动持续进行,世界各地的人们也开始声援美国示威者。重视黑人的生命,反对种族歧视,拒绝警察暴力执法,成为示威者们共同的呼声。 Protesters march to highlight the deaths in the U.S. of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, and of Toronto's Regis Korchinski-Paquet, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 30, 2020. /Reuters在加拿大,29岁的非裔女性蕾吉斯于当地时间29日从自家阳台坠落后死亡。其家人称,蕾吉斯是被警察推下去的,此事立刻在当地引起轩然大波,人们纷纷走上街头游行示威。抗议者们举着“为蕾吉斯伸张正义”的标语,并呼吁在加拿大、美国及全世界范围内终止种族歧视。 Hundreds demonstrated in Trafalgar Square in central London on Sunday, and many kneeled to protest the recent killing of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis. /AP在英国,数百人不顾新冠疫情防控令,在伦敦游行抗议弗洛伊德之死。人们高举着“为弗洛伊德伸张正义”、“黑人的生命也很重要”等标语。还有人在伦敦的美国大使馆附近游行,他们高喊着“没有正义,就没有和平”。 George Floyd, and his last words, are depicted in a mural by graffiti artist "EME Freethinker" on a section of the former Berlin Wall. /AP在德国,抗议者们聚集在美国大使馆附近,喊出“黑人的生命也很重要”等口号。还有人在墙上画出弗洛伊德的肖像并配文“我无法呼吸”。As protests continue across the United States, people around the world have begun marching in solidarity with American protesters who have taken to the streets following his death. Demonstrations in solidarity with Floyd protesters have popped up in cities like London, Berlin and Toronto.