

CGTN CGTN 2020-08-24



爱德华·科尔斯顿(Edward Colston)生于17世纪,他生前通过贩卖奴隶积攒了大量财富,然后又将这些财富用于促进布里斯托市的发展。当地人们曾视他为慈善家,并为他制作了雕像。


Black Lives Matter protesters have pulled down a statue of 17th century slave trader Edward Colston that had stood in the center of Bristol, England since 1895. The statue had been the subject of controversy in recent years, with many saying he shouldn't be publicly recognized by the town, others putting forth a petition to have it removed. 


当地时间6日,美国弗吉尼亚州里士满的抗议者们将位于弗吉尼亚联邦大学的威廉斯•卡特•威克海姆(Williams Carter Wickham)将军的雕像推倒了。其操作手法与英国抗议者很像,人们先是用绳子将雕像捆绑起来,再合力将其推倒。据外媒报道,还有抗议者对着雕像泼漆、小便。



Similarly, U.S. protesters pulled down the statue of Confederate General Williams Carter Wickham in Richmond, Virginia Saturday night. In the eyes of protesters, the Confederacy represents the defense of slavery and is a sign of racism, and the toppling of Confederate monuments is a symbolic move to demand racial justice.

A statue of controversial former Philadelphia Mayor Frank Rizzo was vandalized during protests over the death of George Floyd in Minnesota. The city of Philadelphia took down the statue Wednesday. Matt Rourke/AP


宾夕法尼亚州,费城前市长弗兰克·里佐(Frank Rizzo)的雕像被移除。据悉,里佐在任期间(1972-1980)被指歧视少数族裔群体;

阿拉巴马州,伯明翰的示威者试图移除林恩公园内一座已有115年历史的美国南方邦联纪念碑;蒙特哥马利,示威者损毁并移除了美内战期间南方邦联将军罗伯特·李(Robert E. Lee)的雕像,该雕像位于一座以李将军命名的中学前;

田纳西州,美前议员爱德华·卡马克(Edward Carmack)的雕像被移除,他曾被指攻击民权主义者;


In recent days, a number of monuments and statues have been removed or pulled down in different states in the U.S., including the statue of Frank Rizzo, former mayor of Philadelphia who was accused of discrimination against minorities, the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee in Montgomery, and the controversial statue of Edward Carnack, a former U.S. senator who was known for attacking civil rights advocates.


2015年6月,美国南卡罗来纳州白人至上主义者狄伦·鲁夫(Dylann Roof)在当地一个教堂枪杀9名非裔美国人。事后,狄伦·鲁夫一张拿着邦联旗帜的照片引起了人们的不满。由于内战时期南方各州反对废除奴隶制,这面旗帜被看成是白人至上主义的象征。由此,美国各界开始了对邦联纪念物的讨论。


 Workers remove a Confederate General Robert E. Lee statue from the south mall of the University of Texas in Austin, Texas, August 21, 2017. REUTERS/Stephen Spillman

Red paint is seen splattered on the base of a statue of Confederate General Albert Pike during a demonstration calling for its removal in Washington, August 18, 2017. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein

Damage is seen done to the face of a statue of Confederate commander General Robert E. Lee at Duke University's Duke Chapel in Durham, North Carolina, August 17, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Drake

The debate over Confederate symbols can be traced back to 2015 when a white supremacist named Dylann Roof killed nine African-Americans at a church in South Carolina. Roof's photo with the Confederate flag triggered intense debate over whether it was appropriate for the symbol to be displayed at the state capitol. Two years later, government officials in Charlottesville, Virginia, agreed to tear down a statue of Robert E. Lee, and this led to thousands of white supremacists taking to the streets in protest. 






