美国总统特朗普又双叒发推特了。 10日,特朗普连发3条推文,表明自己不可能更改以南北战中邦联领导人名字命名的美国陆军军事基地名字的决心。 此前,美国陆军表示正计划给10多个使用南方邦联将领名称命名的军事基地更名,美国国防部长马克·埃斯珀和陆军部长赖恩·麦卡锡也考虑就此事进行两党对话。 对此,特朗普进行了强烈的谴责,认为这些名称作为“美国的伟大遗产,是胜利和自由历史的一部分“,更态度强硬的表示政府绝不考虑重新命名。 “美国作为世界上最伟大的民族,历史将不会被篡改。请尊重我们的军队!” Trump's announcement via tweet basically slapped down the Pentagon officials open to discussing the issue, which has emerged as a way of achieving racial reconciliation. In the past few days, officials have said that the Pentagon, including Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, were open to having a bipartisan conversation about renaming the Army bases named for Confederate leaders. In a series of tweets, Trump argued the bases have become part of a "Great American Heritage." "The United States of America trained and deployed our HEROES on these Hallowed Grounds, and won two World Wars. Therefore, my Administration will not even consider the renaming of these Magnificent and Fabled Military Installations...," Trump wrote in a tweet. 过去两周,全美围绕美国非裔男子弗洛伊德的死掀起了声势浩大的反种族主义运动,随着示威活动在各地愈演愈烈,抗议者们把目光投向了美国内战时期支持奴隶制的南方邦联。 南北战争时期,奴役黑人问题曾使美国四分五裂,南方邦联为支持黑人奴隶制退出美利坚联盟国,尽管最后南方邦联战败,时任美国总统林肯最终废除了奴隶制,当奴隶制的遗留问题仍继续困扰着美国的种族关系。 如今,在弗洛伊德死亡引爆的怒火之下,是否清除这些带有“种族主义标志”的领导人雕像和旗帜成为各界争论的焦点,美国多地也出现了民众破坏南方邦联雕像的情况。 支持者认为,它们象征着种族主义和对黑人的压迫,而反对派则强调这些属于美国历史遗产,不能被随意篡改。 The issue of the enslavement of African-Americans tore the United States apart when Southern states broke away to form the Confederate States of America to protect slavery. Northern states defeated the South in the Civil War to restore the Union. But slavery's legacy continues to haunt race relations in America. In recent history, controversies over symbols of the Confederacy, such as statues of its leaders and its battle flag, have erupted. Those arguing for their removal say they symbolize racism and oppression, while those opposing such action call them signifiers of Southern heritage and pride. 10日,美国国会众议院议长佩洛西主张将所有南方邦联人物雕像移出国会大厅。 她在写给国会图书馆的信中称,给鼓吹残忍与野蛮行为以达成明显的种族主义目的的人立碑是对美国理想和民主的“荒唐侮辱”,必须尽快采取措施。随后她更在推特补充,强调这些雕像是在“向仇恨致敬”。而非对历史的传承。 据介绍,这些穿着南方联邦服饰的雕像包括美利坚联盟国以及美国内战时期的领导人。 On Capitol Hill, House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi urged Congress to immediately take steps to remove from the U.S. Capitol 11 statues representing Confederate leaders and soldiers, the latest anti-racism effort after George Floyd's death in police custody sparked mass protests. "Monuments to men who advocated cruelty and barbarism to achieve such a plainly racist end are a grotesque affront to these ideals" of American democracy and freedom, the top Democrat in Congress wrote to a bipartisan committee. "Their statues pay homage to hate, not heritage," Pelosi added. "They must be removed." 美国海军也于9日发布声明,宣布将禁止在“海军设施、舰船、飞机和潜艇上的所有公共空间和工作区域”悬挂南方邦联旗帜,以保证队伍的“凝聚力”,“维护海军的核心价值”。此前美国陆军也宣布了类似的决定,以此表明军方正在努力解决种族不平等问题的态度。 The U.S. Navy is also working to ban the Confederate battle flag from all public spaces on Navy installations, ships and aircraft, the service said on Tuesday, as the military and the country as a whole grapple with questions about racial inequality. In a statement, the Navy said Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Mike Gilday had directed his staff to begin drafting an order that would prohibit the flag "from all public spaces and work areas aboard Navy installations, ships, aircraft and submarines." "The order is meant to ensure unit cohesion, preserve good order and discipline, and uphold the Navy's core values of honor, courage and commitment," the statement added. 推荐阅读:美国每年1000人死于警察暴力执法,特朗普:99%的警察“非常棒” 美前国务卿鲍威尔怒斥特朗普是骗子,特朗普回击:你还说过伊拉克有大规模杀伤性武器呢! 破纪录!特朗普单日发推200条,网友:你啥时候放下手机去工作?