抗议活动在全美蔓延的同时,新冠病毒也没停下脚步。根据美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学统计的数据,截至北京时间12日18时35分,美国的新冠肺炎死亡病例已达113820例。 美国《时代》周刊10日刊发题为《美国应对新冠疫情比中国差100倍》的文章,称目前美国新冠肺炎死亡率是中国的100多倍,每100万名美国患者中,有超过340人死于这种传染病。 As the George Floyd protests sweep the nation, another tragedy is unfolding as the U.S. just reached a milestone that the COVID-19 death rate has now passed 340 per million residents, just over 100 times the rate in China (3.32 per million), the TIME reported on Wednesday. 文章的作者是杜克大学全球卫生和公共政策教授加文·亚米和美国加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校全球健康科学研究所荣誉教授迪安·贾米森。 两位作者在文中写道,中国是最先报告疫情的国家,目前已经控制住了疫情的蔓延,而特朗普政府却将疫情失控归咎于中国。 China, where first case of coronavirus was reported and the Trump administration claims the blame should lie for letting the pandemic get out of hand, has already reined the tide of the virus. 去年12月,中国武汉报告了首例病例,12月31日向世卫组织通报了这一威胁。今年1月12日,中国科学界已经确定了这种病毒,并与世界分享了病毒基因组序列信息,所有国家得以研发针对新冠病毒的检测工具并开始研制疫苗。 The first cases were reported in Wuhan City in December, and by December 31, Chinese authorities had informed the World Health Organization (WHO) about the threat. By January 12, Chinese scientists had identified the virus that causes the illness and shared its genetic sequence with the world so that all countries can start working on measures to run COVID-19 tests and vaccine. 1月末,中国以湖北武汉为中心采取大规模限制措施,实施严格的“居家令”,而这些措施曾一度被全世界不少人谴责,认为这过于严厉。 At the end of January, the Chinese government announced a massive lockdown and strict stay-at-home orders centered around Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, even as many around the world decried the actions as draconian. 与此同时,中国卫生官员加强了检测力度和接触者的追踪,以隔离新增病例。中国建立了临时医疗设施治疗新冠肺炎患者,并调集了4.2万名医护人员驰援武汉。这些措施都成功地减缓了病毒在湖北省内的传播,为全国其他地区做准备争取了时间。到目前为止,中国的新冠肺炎病例中只有16%发生在湖北省以外。 At the same time, Chinese health officials ramped up testing and contact tracing to isolate new cases of the disease, built temporary medical facilities to hospitalize COVID-19 patients, and deployed some 42,000 doctors and nurses to Wuhan. These steps successfully slowed down the virus' spread within Hubei, buying time for other parts of the country to prepare. To date, only 16 percent of China's COVID-19 cases have occurred outside Hubei. 文章称,不仅仅是中国,奥地利、德国和希腊的人均死亡率也都远低于美国。而在东亚和太平洋地区,澳大利亚、蒙古、新西兰、新加坡、韩国和泰国,死亡率均低于百万分之七。 And it's not just China that kept its death rate low. Austria, Germany, and Greece have significantly lower per-capita mortality rates than the United States. In the East Asia and Pacific region, Australia, Mongolia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, and Thailand were all able to keep their COVID-19 fatalities below seven deaths per million residents. 文章强调,中国和其他国家的情况表明,只要采取快速检测、严防感染和保持有效社交距离等措施,参照世卫组织推荐的指南,大量病死病例并非不可避免。 By adopting strategies of swift testing, contracting infections, and effective social distancing, measure adherence to the guidelines recommended by the WHO, stories of China and all the other countries indicate that the mass casualty causing by the coronavirus is not inevitable. 文章随后开始反观美国的情况。 文章指出,即使在控制人口规模的情况下,美国现在仍是全球新冠肺炎确诊数和死亡数最多的国家,纽约州和新泽西州是美国疫情最严重的两个州,死亡人数分别占全美的近十分之三和十分之一。 Now the U.S. has the most COVID-19 cases and the most deaths of any country in the world. The two hardest hit states have been New York (almost three in 10 U.S. deaths) and New Jersey (one in 10 deaths). And the U.S., at the same time, has the highest number of new cases and new deaths every day, even when controlling for population size. 今年2月,当加州报告首例死亡病例时,特朗普仍在淡化疫情的严重性,称其为“民主党的骗局”。 In February, when the first death was reported in California, President Trump was still downplaying the severity of the epidemic, and calling it a "Democratic [Party] hoax." 数据显示,美国死亡病例已超11万例,但文章指出,目前仍没有迹象表明美国联邦政府采取紧急的、全国范围的一致措施来扭转当前的趋势。 Even as the data shows that the U.S. has 113,783 deaths, The TIME says that there is "little sign that the federal government is mounting the kind of urgent, nationwide, coordinated approach that is needed to reverse current trends." 白宫新冠病毒检测工作组成员布雷特·吉罗尔正准备卸任,目前仍无接替其岗位的方案。虽然美国每天要进行约50万次检测,但哈佛大学研究人员认为,日检测量需要在100万至1000万次之间才能满足目前的需求。此外,美国只有8个州拥有足够的追踪能力。 The White House coronavirus testing czar, Admiral Brett Giroir, is standing down, and there are no plans to replace him. Harvard researchers concluded that somewhere in the range of 1-10 million tests are needed, while the daily test capacity of the U.S. is about 500,000. Similarly, there is "only eight states have sufficient tracers," The TIME pointed out in its report. 文章称,美国比中国多100倍的死亡病例是一个残酷的事实,需要高效的领导力。 The sobering truth of the U.S. having 100 times the death rate of China is the need for effective leadership to act and save lives. 尽管没有一个国家能避免经济阵痛,但迅速采取协调措施的国家都在很大程度上避免了病毒造成的最坏影响,挽救了成千上万人的生命,并开始重新开放经济。 Countries that took swift, coordinated action have been largely able to avoid the worst effects of the virus, save thousands of lives, and start to reopen their economies, even though no country is avoiding the inevitable economic pain. 而美国却仍在浪费宝贵的时间。华盛顿大学模型预测,到今年10月初,新冠病毒将导致近17万美国人死亡,第二波疫情预计将在今年9月出现。 The U.S., on the other hand, continues to waste valuable time. A new model made by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington predicts that the coronavirus will kill nearly 170,000 Americans by early October with a second wave of the virus expected in September. 文章警告称,除非美国积极地从成功国家吸取经验,否则美国的死亡率可能会达到中国的200倍。 The TIME warned that "unless it aggressively implements the lessons to be learned from successful nations, we fear the U.S. death rate may rise to 200 times that of China." 推荐阅读:美国媒体人痛批美国政府:疫情当前,还在做 “没有感情的战争机器”! 《柳叶刀》刊文批评特朗普应对疫情“毫无逻辑”:他该下台了!