China's first airplane with high-speed satellite internet service- Qingdao Airlines QW9771. /Photo provided by China Satellite Communications Co.,Ltd 7月7日,我国第一架高速卫星互联网飞机首飞成功。 当天下午16时46分,青岛航空QW9771航班由青岛流亭国际机场起飞,并于19时21分成功降落在成都双流国际机场。 据了解,这次航班配置有高速互联网系统,机上旅客可以使用个人手机连接空中互联网,享受品质稳定的机上娱乐体验。 China's first airplane with high-speed satellite internet service successfully made its maiden flight on Tuesday. Qingdao Airlines QW9771, equipped with in-flight internet service enabled by China's first and only Ka-band (26.5-40Ghz) high-throughput satellite – Zhongxing 16, took off from Qingdao Liuting International Airport at 4:46 p.m. and landed at Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport at 7:21 p.m.. The Ka-band high-throughput satellite – Zhongxing 16. /Photo courtesy of China Satellite Communications Co.,Ltd 据了解,QW9771航班上高速互联网系统的构建得益于国内首颗(也是唯一一颗)Ka频段高通量卫星——中星16号。 Ka(K-above)波段最重要的一个特点是频带较宽,因此,Ka频段卫星通信系统可为高速卫星通信、千兆比特级宽带数字传输和高清晰度电视(HDTV)等业务提供条件。 也正是基于这个特点,本次航班的旅客可以在万米高空享受高达百兆以上的网速。相比之下,使用传统Ku卫星的互联网飞机所能实现的网速要低得多。 另外,本次航班还实现了国内民航史上第一次空中直播,嘉宾在飞机上与地面的人们进行视频连线,实时分享了空中画面。 Passengers onboard the plane can get access to network service with a speed higher than 100 megabytes, which enables the same surfing experience as that on the ground. Previous Ku-band (12-18 Ghz) in-flight internet service only enables a much lower internet speed. A live broadcast was also conducted during the flight, the first of its kind in China's civil aviation history. The passengers onboard have video connected with people on the ground and shared aerial images in real time.China Satellite Communications Co.,Ltd now has 15 communication satellites in operation. /Photo courtesy of China Satellite Communications Co.,Ltd 据报道,飞机利用数字化航空娱乐服务系统及数字客舱一站式软件解决方案,构建了包括移动端空中内容娱乐、航旅出行服务等多元空中互联网生态,是支持疫后民航业结构重塑和数字化转型的优秀范例。 这次航行的高通量卫星资源由中国卫通(China Satellite Communications Co.,Ltd,)提供。该公司是我国唯一拥有通信卫星资源且自主可控的卫星通信运营企业,目前运营管理着15颗通信广播卫星。 The satellite resource is provided by China Satellite Communications Co.,Ltd, a core professional subsidiary of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group. The company currently has 15 communication satellites in operation. 未来,中国卫通将与更多的航空公司合作,为更多的航班提供基于卫星的互联网服务。另外,该公司还将在航空、航海、能源、国土资源、农林牧渔、应急、广播、视频、教育等领域与更多企业和机构展开合作,提供基于卫星的网络服务。 After this successful flight, the company aims to work with more airlines in the future to offer more satellite-based internet services on flights. In the future, the company will cooperate with different players in related industries, providing ubiquitous satellite-based internet services to meet the needs of various industries such as navigation, energy, land and resource management, agriculture, fishery, emergency response, broadcasting, video, and education. 推荐阅读:历时26年终“成团”!北斗引路,星耀全球! 天问一号!火星,我们来了!疫情之下,全球航天业运转如何? “天问”、“望舒”、“鹊桥”……中国航天人的那些诗意和浪漫