据美媒报道,当地时间9日下午,美国加州总检察长泽维尔•贝塞拉(Xavier Becerra)宣布加州将就“留学限制”政策正式起诉特朗普政府,加州将成为第一个就此规定起诉特朗普政府的州。
贝塞拉表示,新的规定可能迫使国际学生为了到校上课,将自己和其他人置于危险之中。The state of California said Thursday it will file a lawsuit against the Trump administration over the "unlawful policy that threatens to exacerbate the spread of COVID-19 and exile hundreds of thousands of college students studying in the United States," becoming the first state to challenge the U.S. federal government's new student visa policy."Shame on the Trump administration for risking not only the education opportunities for students who earned the chance to go to college, but now their health and well-being as well," California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said in a press release.The statement added that the rule "is arbitrary and capricious, in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act," which dictates what procedural steps agencies have to take before enacting regulations.California's decision adds another legal challenge to a policy that is already facing multiple lawsuits from universities.此外,包括斯坦福大学、加州伯克利在内的知名高校相继表态,强烈反对禁止国际学生继续在美国学习的政策,表示将尽最大努力维护国际学生的权益。加州大学系统周三宣布,计划就禁止国际学生继续在美国学习的政策起诉美国政府,理由是涉嫌“侵犯了大学及其学生的权利”。随后伯克利分校在学校官网发出声明表示联邦政府的留学生新政与学校价值观“背道而驰”。该诉讼寻求临时禁止令以及初步和永久禁令,以阻止执行联邦政府的留学生签证新规,即国际学生必须接受面授课程,否则将面临“包括但不仅限于驱逐的后果”。疫情期间,许多大学都减少了面授课程的数量。此前,哈佛大学及麻省理工学院已对美国国土安全部和移民及海关执法局提起诉讼。白宫新闻秘书麦肯内妮回应称,留学生参与线上课程并不需要签证。哈佛大学和麻省理工学院因为留学生签证问题起诉政府有关部门,“或许留学生们应该控告这些大学收取全额学费却不提供线下教学。”
The University of California (UC) system, which includes UCLA and Berkeley among others, announced on Wednesday plans to file a separate lawsuit against the U.S. federal government for allegedly "violating the rights of the university and its students," following a similar lawsuit from Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) earlier this week.
The lawsuits are in response to a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) ruling that international students will have to take in-person classes to qualify for a visa, otherwise they will have to leave the country. In the wake of the pandemic however, many universities have cut the number of in-person classes on offer. UC President Janet Napolitano, who was also previously U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security, called the order "mean-spirited, arbitrary and damaging to America" in a press release issued by the university.According to the statement, the lawsuit will seek a temporary restraining order, as well as preliminary and permanent injunctive relief to bar ICE from enforcing the order.The university plans to offer both online and in-person courses in the fall. But according to Perez, UC has increased online instruction and decreased in-person classes in order to protect students' health amid the pandemic.