昨日,由纽约州牵头的20个州和15个城市共同组成联盟,将美国总统特朗普和白宫告上法庭,指控其颁布的一项行政命令“涉嫌违宪”。这项被多个州联名反对的行政备忘录由特朗普21日签署,要求商务部在使用人口普查数据来重新划分国会选区时,将非法移民排除在外。曼哈顿联邦地区法院在诉讼中称,这一命令违反了第14修正案的规定,即众议院席位的分配要“计算每个州的全部人数,不包括未纳税的印第安人”。A coalition of 20 states and 15 cities and counties sued U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday over his directive not to count undocumented immigrants in the 2020 census that will decide how many seats in Congress each state gets, calling it a violation of the constitution.Trump's directive asked Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to oversee the census and provide him with the data of illegal immigrants so that the President can exclude them from the total population of voters, which will be a heavy blow for Democrats controlled House of Representatives.The lawsuit focused on how the supervision is carried out, claiming the there is no accurate estimate of the number of undocumented immigrants on a state-by-state basis, so using unreliable data to exclude these people from the census is "arbitrary and capricious" and in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act.In the complaint filed in federal court in Manhattan, the plaintiffs called Trump's plan unconstitutional because everyone in the country must be counted regardless of their legal status. They said this has been true since slavery was abolished in the 1860s, and that the Constitution requires a count based on the "whole number of persons" in each state, as counted in each decennial U.S. census.实际上,人口普查数据意义重大,它不仅能够决定众议院席位分配,选举团人数,更涉及联邦资金的分配。
由于美国非法移民问题由来已久,这部分人群在个别州占据重要比例,一旦将非法移民排除在基础之外,那么移民人口较多的州的相关利益将受到严重损害,不仅在国会和州级选区重划的能力会被极大削弱,更有可能因此被剥夺获得关键联邦资金的权利。自上任以来,特朗普在非法移民问题上态度一贯强硬,他多次将非法移民形容为“根本不应该在这里(美国)的人”,并在全美范围对无证移民展开搜捕,企图通过极限施压对非法移民进行严厉打击。而关于非法移民是否应该被计入人口普查的争论从去年起,一直持续至今。特朗普坚持认为,给予非法移民政治权力,使其能够参与国会竞选,会对政府体系造成破坏。尽管在2019年人口普查中加入国籍身份调查的尝试以失败告终,但特朗普始终没有停止寻求通过新的途径解决这一问题。此次下达命令,正是联邦政府基于公民身份来权衡人口普查数据的最新尝试。备忘录强调,“尊重法律和保护民主进程的完整性,应在可行范围内,并在最大程度上由总统依法酌情决定,将非法外国人排除在分配基础之外。”In announcing the directive, Trump said "person" had "never been understood to include ... every individual physically present within a state's boundaries." Alleged efforts to conceal the number of undocumented immigrants, he said, were "part of a broader left-wing effort" to erode the rights of American citizens, "and I will not stand for it."Aside from the impact on House seats, the census is also a basis for allocating federal funds as fewer seats in Congress mean fewer federal dollars as well. If Trump's move is successful, it could hurt communities with large numbers of undocumented residents, especially communities in New York and California.Trump has made curbing legal and illegal immigration a focus of his presidency. The administration tried last year to add a citizenship question to the census for the first time in 60 years, but the U.S. Supreme Court blocked the move.不少反对人士认为,特朗普此举将使美国移民问题再度升温。此外,那些致力于提高人口普查参与度的倡导组织表示,由于移民群体对身份问题较为警惕,此前为说服移民社区参与人口普查工作已经花费不少时间,该行政命令将会导致更多非法移民拒绝参与人口普查,最终影响数据的准确性。截至目前,2020年美国人口普查行动还在继续。备忘录一旦落实,不仅将彻底改变美国人口的计算方式,更会对以总人口为基础的各州及众议院的权力制衡产生重大影响。
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