特朗普又被怼了。 昨日,美国前总统克林顿在民主党全国代表大会上发表演讲时,点名美国现任总统特朗普,对他利用社交媒体博取眼球的做法表示不满。 他表示,特朗普通过“否认、分散注意力和贬损”的做法来娱乐和煽动情绪的行为,对处理真正的危机毫无帮助,更直言如果特朗普连任,美国人都知道他将继续“指责、霸凌和贬低”。 受新冠疫情的影响,美国民主党举办的这场为期4天的总统选举提名大会,首次采用电视和网络直播的形式。 奥巴马夫妇、克林顿夫妇、众议院议长佩洛西、参议院少数党领袖舒默等民主党显赫人物都将先后现身。 拜登作为民主党唯一总统竞选人,毫无意外地赢得了民主党提名资格,并发表演讲。 Tuesday's lineup featured President Jimmy Carter, who served one term from 1977, and 1990s commander-in-chief Bill Clinton, who warned that the Trump White House is swirling with chaos instead of the competence necessary to address the nation's crises. Under the theme "Leadership Matters," the second night's convention aimed to make the case that Biden would represent a return to normalcy after the "chaos" of Republican President Trump's administration, as Clinton put it. Former U.S. first lady Michelle Obama, who attended the campaign along with a long parade of speakers including Senator Bernie Sanders and Republican John Kasich, Trump's old rival in 2016 election. They gathered online to make the case for a Biden presidency at the start of his four-day nominating convention. The campaign, themed "Uniting America," began at 9 p.m. and ended at 11 p.m. ET, and was livestreamed on the DNC website and its social media handles, including YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. The broad coalition wants to defeat Republican President Trump in November, less than 80 days before the general election. U.S. Democrats on Tuesday formally nominated Joe Biden to be their 2020 U.S. presidential candidate on the second night. 实际上,克林顿并不是此次大会上首位对特朗普进行猛烈抨击的民主党人士。此前在开幕式上,美国前第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马就率先对特朗普展开炮轰。 在一段视频讲话中,米歇尔表示如今白宫正弥漫着“混乱、分裂,以及毫无同情心”的政治氛围,而这源于特朗普是一位“错误“的总统。她直言道,在足够长的时间里,特朗普并没有证明自己能胜任这项工作。 “他不能成为我们需要的那个总统,这是事实。” Obama made the remarks at the first night of the four-day virtual 2020 U.S. Democratic National Convention (DNC) on Monday in an 18-minute impassioned address. In the speech, she launched a blistering attack on U.S. President Donald Trump calling him "the wrong president" for the country, and urged Americans to elect Democrat Joe Biden in November to end the chaos she said had been created during the four years of Trump's presidency. She also blasted Trump for trying to label demonstrators protesting African American George Floyd's death as "thugs" who present a threat to Americans' way of life and inciting racism and white supremacy. "Whenever we look to this White House for some leadership or consolation or any semblance of steadiness, what we get instead is chaos, division, and a total and utter lack of empathy," she said. "He has had more than enough time to prove that he can do the job, but he is clearly in over his head. He cannot meet this moment," Obama slammed. 面对米歇尔的批评,特朗普18日进行反击。他不仅在推文中批判奥巴马和拜登工作上存在失职,更见缝插针为自己美言了几句。 在回应中,他直指奥巴马工作的失职才使他得以入主白宫,并不忘揶揄了拜登一把,称拜登只是“他后来才想起来的事,从那个迟到又没有任何激情的背书就可以看出来。” 随后,他将自己对美国经济的贡献侃侃而谈,强调自己的政府“建立了有史以来最伟大的经济体,”如今他仍在继续“创造一个比以前更强大的经济体”,“就业在增加,纳斯达克指数创下新高,其余的也将紧随其后。” 意犹未尽的特朗普再次将炮火对准奥巴马政府,称奥巴马和拜登团队对H1N1流感的应对措施“软弱而可悲”,“是历史上最腐败的政府”。 他更言辞凿凿地控诉自己的竞选活动被监视,“这是我们国家历史上最大的政治丑闻”。 不满于此的特朗普更将战火从线上引到线下,在18日纪念女性获得选举权100周年的活动上,抨击米歇尔在民主党全国代表大会上的演讲“极其分裂”。 推荐阅读:美国连续18天日均新增死亡病例超千例 或迎来史上最糟糕秋天 美国网友提议帮忙运送选票,UPS、FedEx:我们干不了