美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学发布的新冠肺炎疫情统计数据显示,截至美国东部时间13日下午5点27分,美国累计新冠肺炎确诊病例数突破524万,增至5240650例;死亡病例上升到166956例。 24个小时内,美国又新增了53039例确诊病例,死亡病例增加了1125例。截至当地时间13日,美国日均新增新冠肺炎死亡人数已经连续18天超过1000人。 Confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. stood at 5,240,650 as of 17:27 EDT Thursday, with 166,956 deaths and 53,039 newly confirmed cases, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. The U.S. has reported more than 1,000 COVID-19 deaths daily for 18 consecutive days. 美国新冠肺炎确诊率上升预示着“将发生更多反弹” 美国国家过敏症与传染病研究所所长安东尼·福奇当地时间13日表示,他对于美国目前疫情发展形势感到担忧。 虽然加利福尼亚、佛罗里达、得克萨斯和亚利桑那等重灾区的疫情有所好转,但这并不代表全国各地都有好消息。再看美国其他地区,可以看到令人不安的情况,那就是病毒检测的确诊率呈上升的迹象。福奇对此表示担忧,因为新冠肺炎确诊率上升预示着“将发生更多反弹”。 "I'm not pleased with how things are going," said Dr. Anthony Fauci, U.S. top infectious disease expert, on the current state of coronavirus outbreak during an interview with ABC News. "We certainly are not where I hope we would be, we are in the middle of very serious historic pandemic," he added. Although outbreaks in California, Florida, Texas and Arizona are improving, that doesn't mean the whole country is moving towards the green zone. According to Fauci, what is disturbing him is that the U.S. is beginning to see suggestions of an uptick in the rate of coronavirus tests that come back positive in some regions of the nation, and "that's a predictor that you're going to have more surges." 美政府校园重启计划不合理 福奇还参与了关于美国学校是否可以在秋季复课的线上辩论。尽管特朗普近期频繁要求学校重启,福奇明确对政府官员表示,政府强制要求所有学校都必须开放或关闭的主张既不合理、也不正确。 “我认为‘所有学校都必须关闭’的主张,以及‘所有学校都必须开放’的主张,都不合理,也不正确,你必须灵活变通。” Dr. Fauci also joined an online discussion on how to safely reopen schools amid the coronavirus pandemic, given the fact that President Donald Trump has frequently called for the reopening of schools in recent days. "To say all schools must open or all must close is not the correct approach," Fauci said. "You have to be flexible." 当地时间13日,美国疾控中心主任罗德菲尔德表示让学生回到校园的工作不应“操之过急”。 雷德菲尔德强调,我们围绕复课开展的工作既要保证安全,还要合理。各地在全力应对复课的挑战时,要结合当地的实际情况——病毒传染动力学情况进行施策。关于复课时间应该是一校一议。 "We're going to need to do it safely. We're going to need to do it sensibly. And we're going to have to do it based on the unique circumstances, the kinetics of the epidemic and in the areas that the schools are beginning to try to wrestle with this reopening," said CDC Director Robert Redfield during an interview with NBC on Wednesday. "The timing of that is going to have to be decided one school at a time," he added. 若不严格防疫 美或迎来史上最糟糕秋天 雷德菲尔德说:“到了秋天,我们不仅有新冠肺炎,我们还有流感”。 他警告说,如果美国人不采取戴口罩和保持社交距离等防疫措施,那么在即将到来的秋季,伴随着流感与新冠肺炎,美国可能会遭遇历史上“最糟糕的秋天”。 雷德菲尔德呼吁美国民众,“不要对美国医学指导置之不理。未来的情况是取决于人们是否遵循防疫准则”。他强调,“我不是只求一些美国人去这么做,我要求所有人都必须这么做”。 Earlier on Wednesday, Redfield also said in an interview with WebMD that, "We're going to have COVID in the fall, and we're going to have flu in the fall." So he warned that this fall could be "the worst" they've ever had in the U.S. amid the confluence of coronavirus and flu season, if people don't follow CDC guidelines on public health measures, such as wearing masks and social distancing. "It's just dependent on how the American people choose to respond." "I'm not asking some of America to do it — we all got to do it." 推荐阅读:国际左撇子日 | 我真的太太太难了 上海犹太难民纪念馆加速“重启”,曾是犹太人的“诺亚方舟” 孔子学院也被盯上了?