随着九月秋季学期开始,阔别校园数月的学生们,终于陆续回归,准备开始他们下半年的学习。整个开学季,北京预计将迎来90多万来自各地的高校学生。 除北京外,全国还将有上千万高校学生返回校园;世界范围内,更多高校陆续开放,准备迎接学生返校。经历了上半年的新冠肺炎疫情,以及网络课程的常态化,学生们是否怀念校园生活?他们在疫情期间如何安排自己的学习?经历了哪些心路历程?新的学期,他们会有哪些新的期待? 9月12日,CGTN的“全球会客厅”节目邀请了来自清华大学的中外师生,请他们分享疫情发生以来的感受和体会。 2020 has been tough for students around the world, as many school are closed due to the pandemic, and students have had to change or postpone their study plans. Internships and job opportunities have also decreased due to the murky world economic situation. In the latest episode of CGTN's new livestreaming program "The Chat Room" aired on Saturday, CGTN invited several students from France, Niger, Australia, Singapore and China and a teacher from Tsinghua University to share their stories about studying amid the novel coronavirus pandemic and adapting to the new semester. Tsinghua University, located in Beijing, China's capital, is one of the best and most famous universities in the country. The school has developed online courses to meet the needs of students from both China and abroad. 清华大学的国际师生们参加“全球会客厅” 疫情后的校园,可以外出活动吗? 清华大学苏世民书院的学生李亚东是秋季入学的研究生新生,他在一个多月以前辞去工作重返校园,目前已经在清华办理完入学手续,开始上课了。李亚东说,回归校园的感觉很好,但是目前由于防疫要求,学校仍然采取严格的防疫措施,比如提前至少一天提出申请,并及时向学校报告自己的动态。 清华大学融合式教学指导专家组的朱桂萍教授说,因为防疫要求,目前学校仍然希望学生做到非必要不外出,但也并非绝对禁止,如果学生们有合理需求,例如外出参加学术交流,或者和亲戚朋友见面等,提前提出申请即可。清华大学研究生李亚东参加节目 李亚东也说,从开学到现在,学校的管理也有所放松,在保证学生安全的前提下,也会适当给予学生更宽泛的活动空间。 同样回到学校的还有法国女孩Katherin Thouvenin和尼日尔留学生Mahamadou Ali Ide Madougou,他们也是为数不多能够顺利返校的国际留学生。对于新学期,他们都十分期待。经过上个学期的网络课程,和同学老师们面对面坐在教室里上课变得更令人期待——至少他们不必倒时差,或强迫自己集中注意力,学习效率一定会得到有效提高。 Students' views on e-learning Natalie Meyer, a graduate student, said she likes the online classes because her classes are always at convenient times – sometimes they are in the evenings and sometimes in the afternoons, so besides studying, she can also engage in local activities in Australia. Katherin Thouvenin, a French graduate student studying journalism at Tsinghua University, said she prefers face-to-face classes, as online courses require a lot of self-discipline. "You are less focused when you are online than when you are in a classroom," she said. Zhu Guiping, associate dean in charge of teaching in the electrical engineering department at Tsinghua, said they had no choice but to teach courses online in the spring semester. The school has put a lot of effort into designing the e-learning software and provided free internet data for both teachers and students. The policy continues into the fall semester. During the new semester, most Chinese students have returned to their various campuses and school rooms. But online courses will continue for many international students. The classrooms have been updated to make sure no matter where a student is, they can attend class in real time and ask questions at any time. 疫情之后,有哪些变与不变? 来自澳大利亚的Natalie Meyer是清华大学新闻与传播学院的研究生,她是享受上网课的学生之一。Natalie说,她在疫情暴发之初回到珀斯,春季开学至今一直通过网课学习。幸运的是,珀斯和北京几乎没有时差,她完全可以按照自己日常作息来安排学习和生活:早上或者下午上课,其余的时间可以安排自己的活动。 清华大学留学生Natalie Meyer参加节目 Katherin在节目中提到,她虽然更喜欢面对面上课,但不得不承认,网课也有其不可替代的优势,例如,网络课程节省了往返教室的时间,效率更高;学生们可以在网络上听不同教授的课,选择范围更广泛等等。 朱教授说,为了网络课程的顺利开展,学校对教室进行了升级改造,以保证全球学生实时参与课堂活动。学生不管位于哪个国家,都可实时上课,并向老师进行提问。同时,学校还为所有的教授和学生提供免费流量,这一福利将延续到秋季学期。 虽然刚开始接触网络课程时很难,但朱教授提到,她渐渐发现有越来越多的学生参加在线课后答疑,原本一对一解答会耗费大量时间,但当学生们一起前来,不仅节约了时间成本,学生们之间互相聆听别人的问题,也是交流和学习的过程。邹韵和清华大学融合式教学指导专家组教授朱桂萍在北京演播室 也有学生在疫情期间调整了自己的学术研究方向。新闻传播方向的研究生Katherin说,她原本只是关心世界上发生的大事,增加新闻覆盖量,但疫情发生后,她开始关注每一个人通过社交媒体平台发声的可能性,她也注意到,很多人都有表达自己观点的迫切愿望。因此,她将研究方向调整为帮助人们传递自己的声音,她希望自己的努力可以帮助每一个人用更专业的态度纪录和表达,以提升网络新闻的整体质量。疫情让她看到了新的角度和契机。 还有的学生在疫情期间参与了大量社区工作,作为志愿者帮助别人。清华大学英语专业的张嘉文在疫情期间成为了一名网络教学志愿者,为留学生们提供网课方面的答疑,教他们正确使用网课系统,她甚至对很多网络课程技术方面的难题都了如指掌。而Mahamadou因为疫情期间没有回国,通过报道中国疫情新闻,为自己的家乡提供一些疫情预防和治疗的最新信息。 The changes brought by the pandemic Thouvenin said she has seen a lot more articles posted by citizen journalists during the pandemic. So, she would like to help people report more professionally so that the quality of online news content can be improved. Some students got involved in a lot of community work during the pandemic. English major Zhang Jiawen became a volunteer teacher during the pandemic, teaching international students how to use the online course system properly. Mahamadou Ali Ide Madougou, an undergraduate student who did not return to China during the pandemic, provided the latest information on epidemic prevention and treatment by reporting the related news in his hometown. 疫情之后,你的理想改变了吗? 随着校园生活日趋正常化,学生们也将重新开始筹划自己的未来。而经历了疫情的洗礼,他们也早已为自己制定了更明确的计划和方向。 来自新加坡的Cassandra Ler是清华大学-日内瓦可持续发展公共政策双硕士项目的学生,她希望疫情能够尽快得到控制,自己也能够按照计划赴日内瓦学习;Natalie说,目前,她正同时为三个机构工作,其中包括上海的一家媒体公司,澳大利亚当地的一家NGO,以及一家中澳合资公司,她希望自己能够在明年毕业之前找到适合自己未来的职业方向;Kathrin说,她毕业后希望能够进入电视台工作,而Mahamadou则表示,未来希望能够回到非洲,用自己所学为家乡做一些力所能及的事情。清华大学尼日尔留学生Mahamadou Ali Ide Madougou参加节目 而此刻,虽然他们的学业都受到了疫情带来的影响和冲击,却没有人抱怨,牢骚,或者沮丧,他们在适应着新的挑战,也在积极面对新的机遇——学校为他们提供的不仅仅是教育,还有更开阔的视野和更包容的态度。对于准备开始新学期的他们,这又是一个新的起点。 Students talk about their future plans Cassandra Ler, a Singaporean graduate student in the School of Public Policy and Management at Tsinghua University, hopes that the pandemic can be under control as soon as possible, so she can go to Geneva to study as planned. Natalie said she is currently working for three organizations, including a media company in Shanghai, a local NGO in Australia and a Sino-Australian joint venture. She hopes to find a career path that suits her future career direction before she graduates next year. Thouvenin says she hopes to work in television after graduation, while Madougou says he hopes to return to Niger in the future and use what he has learned to do something for his hometown.