近日,中国美术学院下发的《新生安全知识手册》里的一段内容在互联网上引发了争议。这本手册在罗列“性侵害产生的因素”时,开篇就提到了女生自身的内在因素,例如注重打扮,长相漂亮,处事轻浮,无力防卫等。但有关施害者方面的因素,在这小节的内容里却没有出现。在网友们的质疑声中,中国美术学院保卫处相关负责人回应称,手册内容系劝阻性内容,是在处理相关案子过程中总结出来的,并不是歧视女性,是“善意的提醒”。对于手册中施害者因素的缺失,负责人称可能编纂工作中有欠考虑,后续会在新生安全防范课程中展开说明。据了解,该部分内容源自浙江省高等教育学会高校保卫分会组织编写的普通高等院校安全教育教材《大学生安全知识读本》(第十版)。对此,浙江省高等教育学会高校保卫分会秘书长杨啸铭回应称,审核中发现一些表述确实不够严谨,明年修订时会修改。A university student safety manual that listed women “being timid,” “having a pretty appearance,” and “paying too much attention on looks” as sexual assault factors has attracted widespread criticism and objection, including from education officials who said they would change the wording of the controversial text.Yang Xiaoming, with Zhejiang Association of Higher Education, on Friday said that the manual by the Chinese Academy of Art had used “imprecise expressions” and noted that modifications will be made for next year.The “freshmen safety knowledge handbook” had enumerated factors “arising from women” that could lead to sexual advances from their male counterparts, causing backlash over the attempt to hold women responsible for any sexual abuse they could be subjected to.然而改一本书就足够了吗?有网友发现,相似的内容不止在一个大学的安全教育读本里出现。
虽然学校表示是出于保护学生的目的写下了这些内容。但这样的内容让网友们大呼“充满刻板印象,助长了受害者有罪论”也不是没有原因的。即使从世界范围来看,性侵害也是报案率最低的犯罪之一。国际数据显示,性侵受害者10个人中只有1个人会选择报警,而中国大陆的统计显示严重性侵犯的报案率仅为7.3%。而其中一个重要的原因就是,社会舆论对于受害者的苛刻审视。当性侵害发生后,上述安全手册里提及的受害者的衣着、长相、性格都会成为左右判罚与舆论的因素——而且看起来,全世界都会这样做。More often than not, sexual assault goes unreported. International data shows that only one-tenth of the victims choose to go to the police, while statistics on the Chinese mainland put the report rate at 7.3 percent.One very important factor keeping women and men from opening up about their painful experiences is an entrenched and pervasive culture of victim blaming. Around the world, including in China, holding the victim of sexual assault responsible over what had happened to them because of their behavior or the way they dress is not uncommon, forcing many to suffer in silence.2015年,一位27岁瑞典男子“强奸儿童”的罪名被判不成立,原因是女孩的身体 “发育太成熟”,施暴者不会知道她的年龄。
1. 新出台的《民法典》第1010条规定,违背他人意愿,以言语、文字、图像、肢体行为等方式对他人实施性骚扰的,受害人有权依法请求行为人承担民事责任。机关、企业、学校等单位应当采取合理的预防、受理投诉、调查处置等措施,防止和制止利用职权、从属关系等实施性骚扰。
Article 1,010 of the new Civil Code says a person may be held liable "for speech, words, images or bodily actions that have been used to carry out sexual harassment against a person's wishes."
2. 近日,国家一级演员田蕤被曝猥亵上海戏剧学院毕业生。当事人A女士于9月2日报案,上海市公安局松江分局7日给出立案告知书,目前田蕤已被逮捕。
Actor Tian Rui has been arrested for molesting graduates of the Shanghai Theatre Academy.
3. 北京公交警方持续开展“猎狼”专项行动,今年1至8月共拘留猥亵、侵犯隐私等违法犯罪人员285人,其中包括中国银保监会的一位处长。
Beijing police are on alert as reports of sexual harassment on subways have gone up, totaling 285 cases by the end of August.