

CGTN 2021-06-24




When an intercity high-speed train pulled out of Beijing South station in 2008, China's rail network had ushered in a new fast-moving era.

Over the past decade, the country has added over 35,000 kilometers to its high-speed rail (HSR) network, with the total length that far exceeds the rest of the world combined. Train speeds have increased from a maximum of 200 km per hour to 350 km per hour – the fastest in the world.

The HSR offers shorter travel times, comfort, convenience, safety and punctuality and is by far the largest passenger-dedicated network of its type in the world, a report shows.




Looking back, a key milestone for China's HSR development was the approval of the Medium- and Long-Term Railway Plan (MLTRP) in 2004 when freight volume was growing rapidly and the low speed of the existing railway limited competitiveness in passenger transport.

The plan envisaged that, by 2020, the national railway infrastructure would grow to 100,000 km, of which 12,000 km would be high speed, and four horizontal and four vertical corridors would be established to link all major cities.

After detailed plans had been approved, the next step was to ensure a solid technological base for both infrastructure components and rolling stock.

In the early stage, construction was pushed forward under technology transfer agreements with some European countries like Germany and France, as well as Japanese suppliers, but China quickly adapted and improved the designs for local use.

Based on accumulated experience in this field, China has also worked with the International Railway Union to develop international standards for HSR equipment.

经过广泛研究讨论,2016 年,《中长期铁路网规划》得到进一步修订,旨在补充更多的区域和城际铁路连接,将已经形成的 “四纵四横”通道扩展到“八纵八横”通道,进一步促进区域经济社会的升级发展和民生改善。


The implementation was carried out through a series of Five-Year Railway Development Plans (FYPs), setting out the projects to be undertaken in each five-year cycle to 2020.

A further revision took place in 2016. The network structure has expanded from the original "four vertical and four horizontal" corridors to "eight vertical and eight horizontal" corridors, designed to be supplemented with more regional and intercity rail links.

According to China's Ministry of Transport, the plan is based on a detailed analytical process involving basic investigations, data collection, project research, as well as extensive external consultation and review by an expert advisory committee.

The 2020 target is a railway network covering 150,000 km, including over 35,000 km of HSR reaching over 80 percent of large and medium-sized cities.


