国庆撞上中秋,足足八天的长假就要到来啦! CGTN邀你与我们的记者和网红主播一起,踏上一次特殊的旅程——坐着高铁看中国。 350公里时速3.6万公里700多座高铁客站 上可达青藏铁路翻越崇山峻岭,下可至甬舟铁路劈波逐浪前行。极寒地区、高原冻土、喀斯特地貌…再恶劣的气候条件、再复杂的地形地貌都无法阻挡中国高铁延伸的脚步。 京广线,世界最长的高铁线路,两千公里穿越中国五千年历史 京沪线,世界最繁忙的高铁线路,古今繁华一日还 青藏线,世界海拔最高的铁路,是高原腹地上的“大动脉” 京张铁路,从第一条自行设计、建造的铁路到中国第一条智能高铁线,百年铁路将迎冬奥盛事 双节期间CGTN将推出大型专题报道《坐着高铁看中国》8天4条主线全景展示中国脱贫攻坚成果、高铁发展成就以及生态保护成效 10.1-10.2 京广线10.3-10.4 京沪线10.5-10.6 青藏线10.7-10.8 京张铁路 小伙伴们,你们的长假出行都准备好了吗?是打算回家过个团圆节,还是准备去远方看看世界?评论区留言或是发送你的高铁旅行美图至微信后台并我们会选出幸运网友送出CGTN的精美小礼品!快来参加吧! Follow CGTN for stories of people, culture and nature on a thrilling eight-day journey through China's high-speed rail network starting on October 1. A team of CGTN journalists will set off from China’s capital to three routes: nearby Zhangjiakou, Guangzhou to the south, and Shanghai on the east. Plus, they will visit a fourth destination on "the roof of the world": Tibet, which features the world’s highest railway. Join CGTN on a journey exploring China’s beauty and diversity, experiencing it like no other. Have you had your eight-day Chinese holiday all planned out? Are you going to have a family reunion, or will you see the world beyond? Share your travel plans or stories along the way, and you'll have a chance to win a gift from CGTN and China State Railway Group.