由于巴黎的新冠疫情没有改善迹象,新冠病毒还在持续传播,法国政府决定调高巴黎的疫情警戒分区,将巴黎从目前所处的“强警报区”划入“最强警报区”。据路透社报道,10月5日当天,法国新冠疫情24小时内新增5,084例,总计确诊病例624,274人。法国卫生部官员表示,在巴黎地区有203个活跃的新冠病毒“集群”。截至10月5日,巴黎新冠感染率仍然高于每10万人250名患者的最高警戒阈值。法国各大医院确保至少30%的重症监护病床预留给新冠疫情确诊病人。Paris is set to move to maximum Covid alert and shut bars for a fortnight. Health authorities reported a sharp rise in the number of COVID-19 infections.Paris will shut down all bars from Tuesday after the French government raised the city's coronavirus alert to maximum.French health authorities on Monday reported 5,084 new COVID-19 new cases. The cumulative number of cases now totals 624,274.France's maximum alert level is activated when the infection rate in a locality exceeds 250 infections per 100,000 people, mandating hospitals to reserve at least 30 percent of intensive care beds for patients who test positive.There are 203 active coronavirus "clusters" in the wider Paris region, health officials said.10月6日,巴黎市警察局长表示,酒吧、健身房和游泳池将至少关闭两周,以遏制病毒的传播,但餐馆在加强防疫措施的情况下可以继续营业。巴黎新防疫措施还包括:前往养老院探视需要预约,每次仅限两人;购物中心须保证每名顾客有4平方米的空间;不准许学生在公共场所聚会,大学演讲厅上座率不得超过一半。另外,巴黎仍禁止1000人以上的任何集会等活动;禁止10人以上的公共场所聚会。但提供食物和酒水的餐馆和小酒馆可以继续营业,只要他们登记顾客的联系方式,并在22:00关门。Bars, gyms and swimming pools will all be closed for at least two weeks to fight the coronavirus, the city's police chief said.Restaurants in the city will have to put in place strict sanitary rules in order to stay open and university lecture halls must be no more than half-full.Shopping centers shall guarantee a space of four square meters for each customer. The government of Paris bans any gatherings of more than 1,000 people. Gatherings of more than 10 people in public places are prohibited. But restaurants and bistros that serve food and alcohol can open up to 10 p.m., as long as they register customers' contact information.在西班牙,首都马德里在上周末进行了“封城”,城内300万人口,只能在必要的时候离开小区。酒吧和餐馆不能在20点后营业,六人以上的团体不能聚会。西班牙是目前全欧洲新冠病毒感染率最高的国家。
捷克共和国实行紧急状态,以应对冠状病毒的重新肆虐。政府关闭中学,要求餐馆和酒吧的每张桌子最多容纳六名顾客,这些措施将持续两周。在过去两周内,捷克每10万人中新增病例数位居欧洲第二,仅次于西班牙,死亡人数位居第四。在俄罗斯首都莫斯科,学生将不得不在家隔离两周,各公司被告知至少要让30%的员工在家工作。该国的日均感染人数已经上升到10,888人,这是自五月份以来的最高纪录。意大利卫生部长周日表示,未来一周政府可能会采取新措施控制病毒。意大利南部感染病例的增加令官员们感到担忧,这些限制措施可能包括在全国范围内,公民外出必须在户外戴口罩,以及对社交聚会规模的新限制。Madrid imposed a local lockdown over the weekend. Its three million people are only able to travel outside their neighborhoods for essential travel. Bars and restaurants cannot serve after 8 p.m. and people cannot meet in groups larger than six. So far, Spain has the highest infection rate in Europe.A state of emergency has been introduced in the Czech Republic as the government struggles to control the resurgence of the virus. The measures will be place for two weeks, including closing secondary schools and limiting restaurants and bars to the cap of six people per table. The Czech Republic reached the second highest number of new cases per 100,000 in Europe after Spain.In the Russian capital, Moscow, schoolchildren will have to stay at home for two weeks. Staff is limited to 30% at work. The country's daily infection rate has risen to 10,888 - the highest since May.The Italian health minister said on Sunday the government is looking to introduce new measures to control the virus in the coming week. Government officials are concerned about infections in the south of the country. The incoming restrictions could include obligatory mask-wearing outdoors across the country and the ban on social gatherings.