宣布新冠病毒检测呈阳性的美国总统特朗普仅入院治疗了三天,就“闪电”出院了。 尽管白宫内部的感染人群还在持续扩散中,特朗普仍然自信满满地摘下了口罩,表示自己“感觉好极了”,并骄傲地宣称:“不要害怕新冠病毒,不要让它支配你的生活。” 随后,白宫医生肖恩•康利也表示,特朗普已完成新冠治疗,预计将于10日重返公共活动。 据康利介绍,按照医疗团队的要求,特朗普完成了新冠病毒的治疗。尽管可能尚未完全脱离危险,但他的身体检查结果保持稳定,没有迹象表明病情发生恶化,尚未出现不良反应。 Trump's physician Dr. Sean Conley said on Thursday that the president has completed his course of therapy for the coronavirus, and has remained stable since returning to the White House, and he could return to public engagements on Saturday. Conley said in a memo released by the White House that Saturday will be 10 days since the president's diagnosis and Trump had responded "extremely well" to treatment. Trump was hospitalised last Friday after he announced he had contracted the coronavirus. He returned to the White House on Monday. "Since returning home, his physical exam has remained stable and devoid of any indications to suggest progression of illness," Conley wrote. "Saturday will be day 10 since Thursday's diagnosis, and based on the trajectory of advanced diagnostics the team has been conducting, I fully anticipate the President's safe return to public engagements at that time." 此前根据康利发布的报告显示,当前特朗普已经没有新冠肺炎的症状,并强调“总统的身上已经检测出了抗体。” 急于“复工”的特朗普在周四晚间接受福克斯新闻采访时更信誓旦旦表示,有望周六在佛罗里达州举行一次竞选集会,隔天则在宾夕法尼亚州举行另一场。 U.S. President Donald Trump said he hopes to resume campaigning Saturday after receiving a green light from his doctor, even as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi prepares to unveil plans to probe the president's capacity to govern after contracting COVID-19. Trump said in a Fox News interview late Thursday that he wants to hold a campaign rally as early as Saturday. "I think I'm going to try doing a rally on Saturday night if we have enough time to put it together," he said during an interview with Sean Hannity, adding that it would be "probably in Florida." Trump said that he might hold another rally the following day in Pennsylvania. 不过,康利以保护患者隐私为由,拒绝透露特朗普最近一次病毒检测为阴性的具体时间,白宫发言人法拉赫也强调这是特朗普的“私人病史”,而特朗普对于自己已经转成阴性的相关问题也始终含糊其辞,不愿正面回应,仅表示可能会在9日再次检测。 那么,着急出来“社交”的特朗普,到底转阴了吗?白宫方面的闪烁其词,让民众对特朗普当前的健康确切情况抱有疑问。 出于保护参与者健康和安全的考量,美国总统大选辩论委员会当地时间8日宣布,原定10月15日举行的第二场美国大选辩论,将由两党候选人通过线上的形式参加。 然而,这项提议遭到了特朗普的强烈反对。 特朗普直言线上辩论的方式很荒谬,自己不会“浪费时间去坐在一台电脑后面进行辩论,他们会随意切断你的讲话,” 并指责修改辩论形式是在试图“保护”拜登。 随后,在新的声明中,特朗普的竞选经理比尔•斯蒂芬表示同意第二次辩论推迟一周,以便特朗普可以亲自参加辩论。 Trump, confined to the White House with the illness that he has sought to play down, said earlier on Thursday he did not believe he was contagious and was feeling good enough to resume campaign rallies. Such rallies, particularly held indoors, have raised concern among public health experts about spreading the virus. The president's positive test sidelined him from in-person events that have been the lifeblood of his campaign. Trump pulled out of a second debate with his rival Joe Biden after the Commission on Presidential Debates announced that the October 15 event would be held in a virtual format, with the candidates in separate locations, to ensure it could go forward whether or not Trump remained virus-free. Trump's campaign manager Bill Stepien said in a statement on October 8 that they have agreed on moving the second debate back by a week so it can be in person. The Commission on Presidential Debates announced earlier that the second debate would be held virtually on October 15. Trump, however, said during an interview minutes after the announcement that he wouldn't participate if the debate wasn't in person. 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)9日报道,拜登的竞选团队拒绝了特朗普团队调整总统大选辩论时间的建议。 拜登竞选团队副经理凯特•贝丁菲尔德强调,只有辩论委员会才有资格,特朗普无权自行修改辩论时间。他同时补充,“特朗普想在最后关头改写规则,(这种情况)不会被允许发生。” 贝丁菲尔德表示,拜登将参加15日的线上辩论,如果第二场辩论无法举办,他们当日将在宾夕法尼亚州费城面对面回答选民提出的疑问。 推荐阅读:隔着玻璃的辩论:彭斯对阵哈里斯特朗普称新冠病毒远不如流感致命!脸书、推特又出手了特朗普出院摘口罩称别害怕病毒,遭“美队”怒怼