据捷克媒体10月23日爆料,卫生部长普里穆拉违反自己参与制定的防疫规定,于本周三晚(10月21日)进入一家餐厅,且在离开餐厅时并未佩戴口罩。报道同时刊出了事发现场照片。而根据当前捷克的防疫政策要求,从本月14日起禁止境内所有餐厅提供堂食服务,仅允许出售外卖;自21日起,民众在室外环境中如不能保持两米的社交距离,则必须佩戴口罩。上述防疫规定多由普里穆拉本人亲自宣布。消息曝光后引发各界哗然。捷克总理巴比什要求普里穆拉辞职,并将这一事件形容为“彻头彻尾的灾难”、“无法原谅的错误”。普里穆拉则坚称自己没有过错并拒绝辞职。捷克第一副总理兼内务部长哈马切克表示,普里穆拉的行为违反了他自己所一力倡导的防疫规定,是对本国公民的嘲弄,他已经完全丧失了公信力,无法继续代表国家和政府。反对党指责普里穆拉傲慢自大、表里不一,声称普里穆拉拒绝辞职的决定破坏了民众对政府以及对政府抗疫能力的信任。由于普里穆拉拒绝辞职,23日下午,巴比什向总统泽曼递交了关于罢免普里穆拉的书面提议以及继任者名单。而与普里穆拉在餐厅会面的执政党“不满公民行动”党第一副主席法尔季内克则提交辞呈,宣布辞去党内职务。近期,在人口仅有一千多万的中欧国家捷克,新冠肺炎疫情形势急剧恶化,从20日至23日连续四天单日新增病例突破一万,累计确诊病例将近24万。捷克政府自本月初宣布进入紧急状态以后,连续出台一系列防疫规定,甚至不惜部分封锁经济以遏制疫情蔓延。正如总理巴比什所说,本次事件发生的时机“不可能再坏了”。普里穆拉现年56岁,是一名流行病学专家。今年三月捷克疫情暴发时,他曾担任卫生部副部长,后于5月中旬辞职。9月21日,普里穆拉接替突然宣布辞职的沃伊捷赫,就任卫生部长一职,迄今刚满一个月。Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis said on Friday he would dismiss his health minister unless the minister resigned for holding a meeting in a restaurant that was closed under government measures to fight the coronavirus pandemic.He said Roman Prymula made a gross mistake by attending a meeting in a restaurant that should be closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.Local newspaper Daily Blesk photographed Prymula and other people as they visited a Prague restaurant late on Wednesday. Prymula's behavior under a situation where restaurants remain closed in line with a government anti-coronavirus directive is shocking, catastrophic and inexcusable, Babis said."When our medical staff are fighting on the front line to save lives of our fellow citizens, such a thing is absolutely inexcusable," Babis added.The numbers of COVID-19 cases have soared in the Czech Republic in the past few weeks. According to the Health Ministry data on Friday, the country registered 14,151 new COVID-19 cases on Thursday, some 800 fewer than Wednesday's record high of 14,968. There are some 134,000 active cases in the country. Since March, about 223,000 people have tested positive.The country has taken restriction measures to curb the spread of the virus, including closing all shops except pharmacies and some with daily necessities. Restaurants were also closed, except for take-away food.Prymulu was appointed as a health minister on September 21 after the resignation of his predecessor Adam Vojtech.
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