Emily Murphy, head of the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), said in a letter to Joe Biden on Monday that her office was ready to begin the formal presidential transition process and make "post-election resources and services available" to his team. Trump tweeted that he had directed his team to cooperate on the transition, but vowed to continue fighting the election results. Hours later, he said: "Will never concede to fake ballots & 'Dominion'." The White House has given approval for Biden to receive the president's daily classified intelligence brief, an administration official said on Tuesday. The decision means Biden will have access to the latest intelligence reports about major national security threats around the globe. 美国总务管理局局长墨菲说,她是根据“法律”和“事实”做出了权力交接的决策。 墨菲在给拜登的信中写道: “请您明白,我是根据法律和现有事实独立作出决定的:我从未受到任何行政部门官员的直接或间接压力。不论是白宫还是GSA的官员,都没有影响我所做决定的实质内容和发布时机。” 据《卫报》报道,墨菲确实面临各方的施压,特朗普在要求许多摇摆州重新计票后,民主党和一些共和党人士要求她启动权力交接。 总统选举结束后的几周,墨菲一度拒绝宣布拜登获胜,导致拜登和副总统胜选人哈里斯领导的过渡团队既无法获得联邦资金,又无法与政府官员会面,来为1月20日的就职典礼做准备。 Murphy said she made the determination based on "the law" and "facts." "Please know that I came to my decision independently, based on the law and available facts. I was never directly or indirectly pressured by any executive branch official including those who work at the White House or GSA with regard to the substance or timing of my decision," Murphy wrote in a letter to Biden. But Murphy did face pressure from Democrats and some Republicans to allow the transition to begin, as Trump's efforts to challenge the swing states’ ballots had failed. Murphy's refusal to declare Biden the winner weeks after the presidential election prevented the transition team from getting federal funding and meeting the government officials to prepare the inauguration on January 20, 2020. 拜登上任后,将面临哪些挑战?What challenges will Biden face? 一、移民政策Immigration Issue 拜登承诺在上任百日内会废除特朗普任期内的移民政策,包括在墨西哥边境强行分离偷渡者家长与子女的做法。他将重启“童年入境者暂缓遣返手续”(The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals,DACA),让这些年幼无证移民成为美国合法公民。 他将废除特朗普对申请政治庇护的年度配额限制,以及对一些穆斯林国家公民的签证禁令。 In the final presidential debate, Biden said in his first 100 days that he'd put undocumented immigrants, DACA recipients, and Dreamers on a path to citizenship. At a virtual event hosted by a Muslim advocacy group, Biden said on Day one he will end the Muslim ban and work on passing hate crime legislation. 二、新冠疫情COVID-19 美国新冠疫情过去七天新增逾100万起新冠确诊病例,比前一周递增26%。 拜登团队希望建立一个全国范围的病毒检测和患者联络追踪项目。 拜登阵营希望立即在全美各地招聘10万员工,从事全美新冠疫情监测项目,并在每个州平均设立至少10个检测中心,为所有美国人提供免费新冠检测。 A former Vice President and Delaware Senator, Biden is taking office during a global pandemic and economic crisis. Biden said he would seek advice from the top infectious-disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and then appoint a "supply commander" to monitor the production and distribution of tests, vaccines, and personal protective equipment. 三、气候变化Paris Agreement 在特朗普总统任期内,美国退出了国际社会为应对气候变化而达成《巴黎气候协定》。 拜登认为气候变化威胁人类“生存”,他在竞选总统时,他曾表示,如果当选,将立即重新加入《巴黎气候协定》。 Biden wants to rejoin the Paris Agreement, pass executive orders for climate change, and more. 四、经济和就业Economics and Tax cuts 拜登希望增加高收入人群的税收,以支付对公共服务的投资,但他表示,这种加税只会影响年收入超过40万美元的人。 这项提议深受美国年轻人的支持,但是被不少企业和雇主方质疑。 Biden wants to reverse Trump-era tax cuts, create a national pandemic strategy and raise taxes on high-income households and corporations, but his ability to do so will be limited if Republicans maintain control of the Senate. 五、重新加入世卫组织Rejoin the WHO 拜登在记者会上表示,在他就任美国总统的第一天,美国将重新加入世界卫生组织(WHO)。 "On my first day as President, I will rejoin the WHO and restore our leadership on the world stage," Biden said. 不过,拜登的竞选团队也表示,以上这些计划能否最后落实,还得取决于国会。 However, throughout his campaign, Biden discussed several topics he'd like to address in office, but whether or not he can accomplish them depends on Congress. 推荐阅读:拜登的国务卿人选,可能是他 推特和脸书:明年1月20日会把美国总统官方账号移交给拜登