Former Argentina football great Diego Maradona died at age 60 on Wednesday. According to reports in local Argentine media, Maradona suffered a cardiac arrest. He had undergone a brain surgery earlier this month. Maradona was widely considered the greatest Argentine football player in history.
1960年10月30日,马拉多纳出生于布宜诺斯艾利斯郊区的一个贫民窟——菲奥里托。在这样一个贫困的街区,足球是孩子们唯一的娱乐,而少年时期的马拉多纳就展露出了极强的足球天赋。 马拉多纳在阿根廷博卡青年队时期 1975年10月20日,马拉多纳在阿根廷甲级联赛中替补出场,首秀便一鸣惊人;1978年,他成为了阿根廷甲级联赛历史上最年轻的最佳射手。 年少成名的“潘帕斯雄鹰”后来又转战欧洲赛场,用天赋和实力征服了欧洲足球俱乐部和球迷。 马拉多纳在巴塞罗那时期 1982年,马拉多纳转会西班牙甲级球队巴塞罗那,效力两年,留下了58场进38球的成绩单。 1984年9月9日,马拉多纳在意大利联赛中高举双臂 1984年7月,他以创纪录的身价转会意大利那不勒斯队。在随后的几年里,马拉多纳开启了一个属于他的新时代,带领那不勒斯从一支保级弱旅成长为意甲冠军。 Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1960, he quickly rose to prominence, making his professional soccer debut 10 days before his 15th birthday. He went on to win Argentine soccer's top division with Boca Juniors, before being thrust on to the world stage when he signed for Spain's Barcelona in 1982. Maradona was an instant hit in Europe and was snapped up by a struggling Napoli team in 1984. On his arrival, he was proclaimed "The Saviour" by supporters and they were right as he led the team to a first league title and the UEFA Cup. 每个足球运动员心中都有一个捧起大力神杯的梦,马拉多纳也不例外。 14岁的马拉多纳曾说:“我有两个梦想,一个是参加世界杯,另一个是夺世界杯冠军。” 马拉多纳不仅实现了这两个梦想,还在世界杯赛场上留下了值得全世界铭记的高光时刻。 1986年6月29日,墨西哥世界杯,阿根廷队夺冠后,马拉多纳被队友扛起,庆祝胜利 1986年,他率领阿根廷队获得世界杯冠军,个人凭借5个进球、5次助攻拿下世界杯金球奖。 这届世界杯阿根廷对英格兰的四分之一决赛中,马拉多纳的两记进球更是成为世界足坛的经典。 很多年后,许多中国球迷们还能清楚记得解说员宋世雄对这场精彩赛事的解说——
短短几分钟后,马拉多纳连过5人,冲破英格兰的后防打入了第二记进球。这一进球日后也被称作“20世纪最佳进球”。 The peak of the diminutive striker's career was the 1986 World Cup in Mexico, when his often match-winning performances took Argentina to the final against West Germany. His team won and Diego Maradona became only the second Argentina captain to lift the World Cup for his country. His two goals that beat England in the quarter-finals that summer in Mexico possibly summed up the duality of his nature, to the public at least – one, a masterpiece of solo brilliance, control and balance. The other a handball, a foul that Maradona would later famously call "The Hand of God". 意大利那不勒斯街头的马拉多纳巨幅画像
然而,在人们熟知的成就之外,马拉多纳一生都在毁誉参半中前行。 吸毒、酗酒、私生活糜烂……这位爸爸们心目中的神,一面伟大光辉,一面黑暗狰狞。 Sadly, the latter part of his career was marred by injury and problems with drug addiction, leading to a 15-month ban from the sport in 1990. He eventually retired from the game at the age of 37, while back at his hometown club Boca Juniors. 资料显示,马拉多纳的吸毒史可以追溯到1986年之前。英国导演阿斯弗·卡帕迪亚(Asif Kapadia)拍摄的纪录片《迭戈·马拉多纳》曾揭露,那时,只要马拉多纳开口,毒品就会按时按量送到他的公寓门口。