The coronavirus-delayed Tokyo Olympics could cost about 200 billion yen ($1.9 billion) more than its original budget of $13 billion, a 15 percent increase, organizers have estimated, according to Japanese media the Yomiuri newspaper on Sunday, citing people involved with the event.
The International Olympic Committee and the Japanese government were forced to put off the Games for a year in March as the coronavirus spread rapidly around the world.
The Games cost 1.35 trillion yen ($13 billion) before the postponement.
The organizing committee will decide on a breakdown of the burden of the delay in December, after discussions between the committee, the Tokyo metropolitan government and the central government, the newspaper said.
The postponement costs include payment to staff as well as the introduction of new systems for refunding tickets but do not include measures against the spread of the coronavirus, the newspaper said.
On Friday, the Tokyo Olympic organizers announced a total of 18 test events will happen for the Tokyo Olympics between March and May in 2021.
Times and locations have been confirmed for 15 of the contests. The first one will be the FINA synchronized swimming Olympic qualification from March 4 to 7. Other competitions will cover multiple areas like diving, athletics, shooting, rugby, cycling, rhythmic gymnastics and para-athletics.
包括游泳、体操、跳水及排球在内的几项测试赛将会邀请其他国家和地区的运动员参加。不过奥组委奥运举办统管中村英正(Hidemasa Nakamura)表示,所有测试赛都不会允许来自日本之外的观众入场,日本观众入场的人数也将视情况决定。
According to local officials, at least four events – swimming, gymnastics, diving and volleyball – will allow the participation of athletes from abroad. However, no fans from overseas will be allowed to attend any of the test events, according to Hidemasa Nakamura, the games delivery officer.
"No, we will not have spectators from abroad," said Nakamura. It remains unclear how many local audiences will be permitted to enter the venues.
过去一个月里,日本举办了几项体育赛事,虽面向观众开放,但对于入场人数进行了严格限制。11月初,在东京代代木体育馆举办了四国体操邀请赛。这是新冠疫情发生以来在东京奥运会场馆中举办的首场国际比赛,可容纳13000多人的体育馆,组委会只开放了2000人入场。11月21 至25日在日本福冈举办的职业棒球联赛总冠军赛,可容纳38000人的场馆也仅开放一半座位。
In the past month, Japan has already held several sports events that allowed fan attendance. For example, in early November, a few thousand attended an international gymnastics event. This week, some 19,000 people watched the final game of the Japan Series of professional baseball in a 38,000-seat stadium in Fukuoka.