在中国,目前还没有国民级的网红儿童。深受大家喜爱的宋民国、权律二是韩国小孩,而假笑男孩也是美国人。但随着抖音、微博等社交平台的崛起,国内很多家长也开始在这些平台晒出自己孩子的萌娃照,而很多粉丝也开始“云养娃”。在很多人表达对儿童的喜爱之情时,也有一部分开始忧虑网络世界以及过早成名对孩子可能产生的负面影响。 目前,在抖音儿童类视频下方,我们很多时候看到的是人们夸奖孩子伶牙俐齿、长大了不得了,但也会时不时地看到一些观众提出质疑,认为孩子在镜头前表现得过于成熟、失去童真等。 早前,一对东北母女也因为孩子在镜头前表现十分活跃,还在直播间里和大人抢着带货,而被网友称过于成熟,不像孩子。这位母亲后来在回应记者时称:现在的孩子成长在电子产品中,从小就到处旅游、见识多,跟以前那些玩泥巴、拖鼻涕的孩子没法相提并论。 目前针对网络平台上儿童直播和儿童类视频,支持和反对的声音并存。反对的网友主要认为,网络已经渗入当代儿童的生活,直播年龄不该一刀切,需要禁止的是不良直播内容。 将假笑男孩打造成网红的叔叔在接受英国卫报采访时也表示,年少成名对 Gavin 的影响是未知的。 “他只有 8 岁,但在网络上出名的经历将伴随他一生。我不认为他知道这意味着什么,我也不认为我们知道。我一直在想,他 15 年后会怎么想。他会感激吗?他会说我希望我叔叔没有那样做吗?有时候,我觉得我们把孩子送上了一个他并未报名参加的游戏。” 对于儿童网红的争议一直未有定论。CGTN采访了几位抖音上几位百万级粉丝达人,聊了聊他们做视频的初衷以及他们对儿童类短视频的思考。他们的故事并不像盖文、权律二那般戏剧,也没有达到和其名气比肩的程度。但他们的故事,或许可以在某种程度上反映中国普通家庭儿童网红的成长路径。 From Pikachu to Lion King to Winnie-the-Pooh, from smirk boy Gavin to meme kids, like Kwon Yul-I and Song Min-gook. People naturally love these cute and naive characters. In 2019 top ten earners on YouTube, two are children - Ryan Kaji and Anastasia Radzinskaya, who are ranked first and third. In the past year, the 8-year-old Ryan has earned his family 25 million U.S. dollars, and the 5-year-old Anastasia has earned 18 million U.S. dollars. While with the rapid rise of social media platforms like Douyin and Weibo, numerous parents, children, and MCN organizations all want to create the next Chinese internet celebrity child. Some are rushing to this, and some are unavoidable. CGTN reached out to several vloggers who make videos with child-related content and have millions of followers on Douyin, the Chinese version of Tik Tok. Let's meet these young internet stars and their families. 鹏叔在等待:531.7万粉丝 Pengshu is waiting: 5.31million followers 这个账号的主人叫韩大鹏,来自山东,是一名全职视频博主。他给两个女儿开通短视频账号才一年多,就已经吸粉500多万,月入就15万元起。 和别的家长不同,别的家长是随手记录孩子成长、顺便自己出镜,比较随意和生活化。而在他的视频里,他会写好故事脚本,用拍电影的手法来拍短视频。他非常善于运用悬念、背景声、特写等来营造氛围。喜欢电影的韩大鹏每次制作一个视频,大概需要5天左右时间。在他的视频里,往往是两个女儿和他一起出演。 接广告是主要的收入方式。有段时间,在他连续发布的13个视频里,有12个都有广告。“虽然粉丝没啥影响,但自己感觉不好。”现在他主动降低了接广告的频率。 “以前我就是个普通人,现在挣这么多钱,我觉得网络太可怕了。”韩大鹏说。 自从其视频在抖音火了之后,他女儿在学校里会被人们称为“小网红”, 但他不太喜欢这个称呼。因为在他看来,网红这个词语往往和各种负面新闻关联在一起。 目前,已经有不少综艺和剧组给他女儿伸出了橄榄枝,但他都给拒绝了。他觉得他要等孩子大了,自己来做决定。但随着孩子年龄不断增长,韩大鹏已经有了某种危机感:当有一天孩子长大了,不再萌了,那大家是否就失去兴趣了呢?因此他考虑年底成立一个工作室,用已有的经验做一个其他类型的账号,为未来孩子退出做准备。 他的危机感也不仅仅来源于孩子每天都在增长的年龄,也来源于平台。“说不定哪天平台就没了呢?” The owner of the account, Han Dapeng began to make videos last year, and he has already had 5.31 million followers and garnered 43 million likes with just 134 videos. Han is a fan of filmmaking, different from other parents who shoot their kids in a casual way, recording their kids' fun moments, the father will firstly compose a story, which is usually short but fun, and then write down a shooting list. Based on his script, he and his two daughters will lead the play. Each of the videos he made costs him an average of five days with subtitles, filters, close-ups, and other film effects. Han said most of the time, he would just set the framework of the story, and his daughters would act spontaneously. "They got a lot of fun from it." The father earned about 150,000 yuan(about $22,937) a month, and most of the earnings come from advertising. He said once upon a time, he planted 12 ads in his 13 videos. "Though fans didn't say anything about that, I felt terrible. So I reduced ads in my following videos," Han said, "I was just a regular person, but now I earn so much. The internet is really astonishing." With so many followers, his daughters are viewed by classmates as "Wang Hong" or internet celebrities, a title that was rejected by Han, who thought it would give people a negative impression of his daughters as "Wang Hong" in China is always linked with vanity, plastic surgeries and superficial gold diggers. Han said some TV programs and shows have extended the olive branch to his daughters, asking them to appear or perform in their shows, but he refused them all as he thought he should not make decisions for his daughters' future. But as the two kids keep growing up, Han has already got a sense of crisis: One day, the audience will lose interest in his daughters who, several years later, will no longer be as cute as they're now, so he decided to create another account, trying to make other types of videos. Aside from age, his sense of crisis also comes from the platform. "Maybe someday the platform will disappear," Han said. 双宝妈咪儿:409万粉丝 Shuangbao mommy: 4.09 million followers 双宝妈咪儿这个账户的创立人是两个孩子的母亲。在她生完二胎后,就开始在家照看孩子,闲暇的时间接触到了抖音,于是便开始在抖音上晒娃,上传孩子的有趣视频,有时候也有弟弟和姐姐互动的视频。慢慢地,越来越多人喜欢她的视频和孩子。在持续做了两年多后,她已经上传了1958个视频,吸粉409万,获得了1.5亿个赞。她告诉记者说,这个成果是一点一点取得的,不像其他人想得那么戏剧化。 在她点赞量最高的一个视频里,姐姐在喝可乐,弟弟站在一边想抢把可乐抢过来。于是姐姐从一边拿出来一个黑紫色的茄子,这个茄子长度和可乐瓶差不多,还被贴上了可乐瓶的标签。傻乎乎的弟弟拿到“可乐”后就喝了起来,咬了一口后才发现那不是可乐。他当时的表情在困惑和惊讶之间来回切换。这个视频获得了两百多万的点赞量。 这个妈妈说其实她一开始对火不火的没什么概念,就是在视频逐渐火起来之后,看到很多网友喜欢她孩子,还在底下点赞评论,她心里面就觉得挺开心的。她觉得是由于自己的视频都是本色出演,基于日常生活,很真实。这种真实可能触及了一些人内心的童真和自我本真的状态,对他们而言是一种解压和放松,因此观众才会喜爱。 当CGTN问她火了之后会不会担心隐私问题的时候,她觉得自己和孩子爸爸其实没什么,但对于孩子还是有所担心的。至于担心什么,她似乎不愿多说。 和韩大鹏一样,她的变现渠道也主要是通过广告。在她的主页里,有一个“商品橱窗”的字样,点进去后可以看到她推荐的一些产品。目前这些产品主要是护肤、视频和一些日常的家居用品。她不愿意透露自己目前收入如何,但她认为自己目前在做的是给孩子做经济上的积累,让他们以后更好地成长。 The owner of the account is a mother of two. After she gave birth to her son, the second child of the family, who is now 32-month-old, she began to upload videos of the child and his elder sister on Douyin as she stayed at home and got plenty of time to shoot and edit. Until now, she has uploaded 1,958 videos within two and a half years, attracted 4.09 million followers, and gained 0.15 billion likes. She said the result is achieved little by little, not as dramatic as others think. "Actually, when I began to do this, I didn't have any concept of making my children internet celebrities. I just feel happy when I see so many people love my kids and comment below the videos," the mom told CGTN. When asked if she has any worries about disclosing her family's privacy through videos, she said it is fine for her and the father, but she is worried about her children's privacy, which she didn't illustrate further. Like Han, most of the money she earned comes from advertising. Most of which are skincare products, and some of them are food and daily necessities. 白杨和桔子:338.2万粉丝 Baiyang and Juzi: 3.38 million followers 和上面的两位家长不同,这位爸爸是一个动漫作家。在他的视频里,孩子、自己和妻子真人并不出镜,他是以动漫的形式,将一家三口地生活表现在视频里。他的视频风格大多幽默风趣,充满笑点,将父母养孩子的心酸和快乐以动漫形式展现出来。 在成为全职视频博主之前,他自己开公司,做市场销售方面的工作。但他并不喜爱这份工作,一直梦想成为一名动漫创作者。终于有一天,他停掉了公司,开始进行动漫创作,并在抖音上上传视频。截至目前,他已经上传了138个视频,获得了两千多万赞。 “做动漫就简单多了,没复杂的社交,”这位爸爸告诉CGTN。 去年的时候,这位爸爸迎来了人生第一大波粉丝:他制作的一个视频被观看了八千多万,一下子就为他带来了30多万粉丝。对于一般人而言,这本是欣喜若狂的时刻,但他很平静。他对CGTN说从他开始创作那天起,他就知道自己会成功。后来还有视频达到了一亿多阅读量,他也很平静。他说300多万的粉丝还远不是他的上线,因为他相信自己的创作能力。 他的下一个目标是,在明年六月启动开始做一部像小猪佩奇一样的动画片。“如果抖音里我都做不成功,就更别谈自己动漫的梦想。” 相比开公司而言,他说自己目前靠视频赚的钱要少得多。但他希望自己将来离开的时候,能够给孩子留下一些回忆,一些比财富更有意义的东西。 “想成为孩子的骄傲,当她自己问我是干嘛的,或者同学问她爸爸是干嘛的,她可以自豪的回答爸爸是‘白杨和桔子’的作者!” This account is quite special. Different from other parents and children who show themselves in the video. The owner of this account is an artist who made animated videos that were based half on his creative imagination and a half on the daily life of his family members. Last year, one of his videos went viral and was viewed over 80 million times, which brought him more than 300,000 followers one time. So far, he has got 3.38 million followers and 25 million likes with his 138 videos. "I knew I would succeed. I knew it from the beginning because I believe in my creativity," the man who asked to use Baiyang as his name told CGTN, adding so far, he has not reached the ceiling, and he is going to make an animation that is similar to Peppa Pig starting from June next year. "If I can't succeed on Douyin, how can I fulfill my dream of making an animated movie?"