过去的2020年,我们共同经历了太多第一次,看见了太多不同,也见证了很多从未有过的历史。 2020实“鼠”不易,希望2021“牛”转乾坤,告别一个刻骨铭心的2020,迎接一个充满希望的2021。 在新年的第一天,小编和你一起向前看,细数一下这些“很快就会来”的重大政治事件。 The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that plans always fall victim to events. But as 2020 ends, things seem to be getting back on track with the efforts of the whole world. With 2021 just around the corner, it's time to have a look ahead with CGTN's political calendar. 中国是2020年全球唯一实现了正增长的主要经济体。中国交出了一份人民满意、世界瞩目、可以载入史册的答卷,也让世界看到了从世纪疫情与百年变局的叠加冲击中重回正轨的希望。 2021年,是中国共产党成立100周年,是“十四五”开局之年。中国如何进一步实现经济发展目标,构建新的发展格局,是人们关注的焦点。 Talking about getting back on track, China's performance has injected confidence and hope to the world – it has become the only major economy in the world to achieve positive growth in 2020. As 2021 marks the beginning of China's new five-year plan period and the 100th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of China, eyes are on how the country will make further efforts in realizing its economic goals and building its new development paradigm. 2021年美国故事又会如何续写?美国当选总统拜登与当选副总统哈里斯将于当地时间2021年1月20日宣誓就职。全世界都在密切关注这对搭档能否“让美国再次受到世界的尊重”。 And the United States, another eye-catching country in 2020, will continue its presidential story as the COVID-19 ravages the nation. Though the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on January 20 will be a low-key affair restricted for the public, the American people and the world are closely watching to see if the old friend can "make America respected around the world again." 此外, 在全球范围内,会有更多的变局。 伊朗将在2021年6月进行总统选举,由于伊朗现任总统鲁哈尼因任期限制而不具备竞选资格。在伊朗和美国紧张关系不断升级的背景下,哪一位候选人又将会进入政治舞台解决国内政治问题? Across the globe, a host of new elections are on the horizon. Iran, the U.S.'s old enemy, will have its presidential elections in June. As incumbent Hassan Rouhani is not eligible to run for office due to term limits, which candidate will enter the political arena against the backdrop of escalating Iran-U.S. tensions and address its factionalized domestic politics? 在地中海沿岸,根据以色列有关法律规定,以色列新一届议会选举将于2021年3月23日举行,这将是该国两年内举行的第四次议会选举。 On the Mediterranean Sea, Israel is set for its fourth national election in under two years as lawmakers – supported by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's main coalition partner – passed a preliminary proposal to dissolve parliament in December. 再来看看欧洲,在新冠疫情影响下,欧洲遭受重创,政治格局也面临变局。2021年荷兰和德国总统大选有可能成为历史性事件。 如果荷兰首相吕特连任,可能会成为欧洲任职时间最长的政府领导人。谁又将接替德国总理安格拉·默克尔,成为德国乃至欧洲政坛的“定心石”?这一切都令人期待。 As Europe is another region hit badly by the pandemic, elections in the Netherlands and Germany have the potential to become historic events. Another term in office for Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte could make him the longest-serving government leader in Europe while the successor to Angela Merkel as German chancellor may launch a new chapter for the country and even for the European political landscape. 与此同时,拉丁美洲的政局将由秘鲁和智利的大选以及墨西哥的中期选举主导,一切都充满了不确定性。 Meanwhile, Latin America's political calendar will be dominated by general elections in Peru and Chile, along with mid-term elections in Mexico – these polls could result in less political friction or more uncertainties. 最后,让我们聚焦那些在2020年受到疫情影响的国际组织。 博鳌论坛、二十国集团峰会、上海合作组织峰会等全球性会议将通过视频或面对面的方式举行。 当今世界正经历百年未有之大变局,新冠肺炎疫情成为大变局的催化剂,使国际形势不稳定性不确定性明显上升。 Now let's turn to the international organizations that have gradually adapted to new ways of diplomacy in 2020. Via video or possibly in-person, global meetings such as the Boao Forum, G20 summit and SCO summit are expected to take place. As the world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, uncertainty remains the key word for the post-pandemic world, especially in politics. 推荐阅读:最全双语版!国家主席习近平发表二〇二一年新年贺词!