国内的疫情动态牵动着人们的心。春节能不能回家,返乡有什么要求,成为不少在外地工作人员最关心的问题。 近期,国务院应对新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情联防联控机制综合组要求,引导错峰出行、错峰返岗。国铁集团客运部负责人也提出,今年学生放假早于春运,大部分学生客流与春运节前客流错峰。 北京、上海、安徽、河南、山东等多地也发出建议,春节非必要不返乡,鼓励弹性休假,倡导非必要不离工作地,就地过节。 针对近日全国部分地区的零星散发病例和局部聚集性疫情,铁路部门推出了免费退票措施:自2021年1月7日0时起,旅客在车站、铁路12306网站(含手机客户端)等各渠道办理2021年1月6日24时前已购列车的有效车票退票时,均不收取退票手续费,购买的铁路乘意险一同办理。 防疫不可松懈 虽然春节期间走亲访友是我们的传统,但是,在当前的疫情形势下,我们不应该有丝毫的侥幸心理。张伯礼院士表示,现在到2月底期间的防疫非常关键,挺过去我们就能迎来春暖花开,乃至迎来决定性胜利。 眼下,北京、上海、青海、山东、江西、湖南、贵州、福建等多地均已有序展开重点人群的疫苗接种,这对疫情的防控也是非常利好的消息。 我们去年的抗疫经验表明,不聚集,少外出,做好个人防护是控制疫情的重要武器。眼下的情形需要我们再加把劲,忍一忍,保持高度的警惕,减少人员流动,才能从源头降低疫情风险。 The Chinese mainland on Wednesday reported 63 new COVID-19 cases – 52 cases of local transmission and 11 from overseas, the National Health Commission said on Thursday. The locally transmitted cases were reported in north and northeast China: 51 in Hebei Province and one in Liaoning Province. Moreover, 79 new asymptomatic COVID-19 cases were recorded, while 423 asymptomatic patients remain under medical observation. No death related to COVID-19 was registered on Wednesday, while 21 patients were discharged from hospitals. The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in China has reached 87,278, and the death toll stands at 4,634. A total of 73,537 people have received the first dose of their COVID-19 vaccine since Beijing began administering it among groups with a high risk of infection on January 1. Aside from Beijing and Shandong, municipalities like Shanghai and Shenzhen and provinces like Shaanxi, Guizhou, Henan and Jiangxi have also rolled out COVID-19 inoculation drives. So far, no serious adverse reactions have been reported.