A coronavirus variant first detected in Los Angeles County in last July has spread to 19 states and six other countries, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on February 11. The variant, named CAL.20C, was first seen in July, but reemerged again in October. The variant accounted for 35 percent of all coronavirus samples in California from January 1 to 22, researchers reported.
Scientist Jasmine Plummer believes it was travelers from California who carried the virus to other states and six foreign countries.
A study conducted last year by Howard University researchers found that one of the California variant's five mutations might help it attach more firmly to human cells. As a result, it has the potential to enhance the spread of coronavirus.
Both Cedars-Sinai Hospital and the UC San Francisco Medical Center will test samples of this variant to see if changes in its genetic makeup give the virus a new ability to spread or cause disease.
在变异病毒研究发布的同一天,内布拉斯加州州长皮特•里基茨(Pete Ricketts)表示,美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)正在调查该州一起可能由新冠疫苗导致的死亡事件。
Pete Ricketts, Nebraska's governor, said on Thursday that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was investigating a death in the state that may have been caused by the COVID-19 vaccine.
Ricketts said the victim was a 40-year-old man from Nebraska who lived in a long-term care facility and had a variety of underlying medical conditions.
From December 14 last year to February 7 this year, the CDC and the Food And Drug Administration (FDA) received 1,170 reports of vaccine-related deaths, or 0.003 percent of those who received the vaccine. During that time, U.S. authorities distributed more than 41 million doses of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines across the country.