Females made up just 12 percent, 15 percent and 26 percent of the respective workforces in Cloud Computing, Engineer and Data & AI, according to World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report in 2020. 世界经济论坛的《2020年全球性别差距报告》显示,在云计算、工程、数据和人工智能领域,全球的女性从业者只分别占12%、15%和26%。In China, however, women appear to have taken deeper steps into digitalization. More than half of requirement analyzing engineers in the country are women, according to recent research, and over 40 percent of data analysts, voice recognition engineers and software testing engineers are female. 但是在中国,女性似乎在数字化领域迈出了更前沿的一步。根据最新报告,中国一半以上的需求分析工程师是女性,超过40%的数据分析师、语音识别工程师、和软件测试工程师是女性。Today, more than half of professional and technical workers in China are female, reversing the situation 15 years ago when women's participation in the area was 10 percentage points lower than men's, according to the gender gap report.如今,中国一半以上的职业技术工作者是女性,逆转了十五年前的女性占比劣势。性别差距报告的数据显示,中国女性之前在这一领域落后于男性十个百分点。In the past decades, women in China struggled for equal status in employment. Women took up no more than 10 percent of the workforce in 1949. In the 1950s, more women entered employment, but the jobs were mainly basic and repetitive in light industries like textile and tobacco. Even as reform and opening-up took effect and women in China entered more diverse professions in the 1990s, their representation in frontier sectors including scientific research and finance was no more than 40 percent. 过去几十年间,中国女性为就业平等而不断奋斗。1949年,女性占职工总人口的比例还不到10%。到20世纪50年代,她们开始更多地参与工作,但是主要在纺织、烟草等轻工业领域从事重复性的基础工作。虽然中国改革开放后,女性在20世纪90年代开始涌向了各行各业,但她们那时候在科研和金融等前沿行业的比例仍然不超过40%。The rising number of females in digitalization suggests a changing status of women in Chinese society, as more Chinese women shift away from low-value-added industries.如今,女性投身于数字化产业的人数在攀升,这意味着中国女性的社会地位也在不断提高,越来越多的女性不再依附于低附加值的产业。What are the driving forces behind the fast-changing picture in China?在迅速发展的图景背后,究竟有哪些推动力量呢?For one, Chinese women's advances in higher education serve as a foundation. In 2021, women's enrollment in tertiary education is 55.9 percent, 10 percentage points higher than men's.首先,最基础的前提是,女性在接受高等教育方面取得了优势。2021年女性高等教育入学率是55.9%,比男性高出十个百分点。Secondly, women's shifting attitudes towards marriage and giving birth have had a significant impact. Women in today's China are not only departing from the traditional perspective that they should sacrifice their career for the family, but also focusing more on realizing self-worth. 第二个影响巨大的因素是女性对婚育态度的转变。如今的中国女性不仅正在摒弃女性应该为家庭牺牲事业的传统观点,而且更加关注自我价值的实现。Fewer women than men in the workplace are planning to get married, with a gap of more than 20 percentage points. When it comes to childbearing, more than 70 percent of working mothers currently choose not to have more than one child, and over 20 percent choose not to do so because of competitiveness in the workplace, compared with under 10 percent of working fathers.打算结婚的职场女性比例远远低于职场男性,这一差距大于20个百分点。在生育方面,超过70%的职场母亲当前选择不生二胎,其中超过20%的母亲是因为害怕失去在职场的竞争力。相比之下,只有不到10%的职场父亲有这个顾虑。Other than input of time and energy, frontier technical roles require more than average determination. According to research in 2011, 65 percent of more than 1,000 Chinese college-educated women surveyed consider themselves very ambitious, and 76 percent of them aspired to work in a top-notch profession. The figure for their American counterparts was 36 percent and 52 percent. 除了时间和精力的投入,胜任前沿技术性职位还需要非一般的决心和意志。2011年的一项研究调查了一千多名受过大学教育的中国女性,其中65%的人认为自己非常有事业心,76%的人期待从事高端工作。而美国女性在这两项上的比例仅有36%和52%。Thirdly, the cutting-edge digital industry is comparatively free of gender barriers, compared with some sectors with a rather limited presence of female higher-ups. In China's national legislative body, for example, women only made up 24.9 percent of all the positions in 2021. In the digital industry, however, women can look up to an increasing number of female role models, and stand out in the workplace for their achievements. 第三,前沿性的数字化产业相对而言更加没有性别壁垒,尤其与一些女性高层稀缺的领域相比。比如,在中国国家级立法机构,2021年的女性仅占所有职位的24.9个百分点。然而,在数字化产业里,女性可以仰望越来越多的女性行业榜样,并且在职场凭借自己的出色表现脱颖而出。On the other hand, today's young women are shouldering heavier pressure from the workplace and the family, which isn't helping to counter gender disparities. But with higher awareness and more beneficial policies targeting gender disparities, it's only a matter of time before they bridge the gap.另一方面,如今的年轻女性正承担着来自事业和家庭的,更沉重的双重压力,这并不利于消除性别不平等。但是随着性别平等意识的提升,和更多旨在解决性别不平等的政策出台,我们有理由相信跨越性别差距只是时间问题。