总台央视记者从前方指挥部了解到,6月2日21时55分,北迁象群沿玉溪市红塔区春和街道老光箐村北侧前进,进入昆明市晋宁区双河乡。 从西双版纳到省会昆明,一个由15头野生亚洲象组成的象群,为什么会一路向北迁移?不改方向,不断加速,象群为什么会一路北上?人类干预如何才能奏效呢? The herd of wild elephants roaming around parts of China's southwestern Yunnan Province entered Jinning District of Kunming City at 9:55 p.m. on Wednesday, CCTV reported. The 15 elephants going north reached the boundary between Yuxi City and Kunming, Yunnan's provincial capital, at about 8 p.m. on June 2. Instead of crossing the boundary into Kunming, they turned northwest and entered Yuxi City. But soon afterward, the herd continued to move northward and finally entered Kunming's Jinning District. 大象进入昆明 指导专家组做了哪些准备? 中国野生动物保护协会教授级高级工程师严旬表示,在一些规定的路段设置路障,当发现这个象群要进入人类比较密集的活动区域的时候,会通过这些路障的设置,让它们改变方向。或者是投喂一些食物,用食物引导的方式,让大象去到它们比较合适的区域里面去,这样也是保证大象在迁移的过程当中不会伤害人。在人员稀少的地区也采取了一系列的措施,让人员进行提早疏散。 玉溪还有昆明两地,一共出动了62辆应急车辆,还有12架无人机,其中还为这些大象准备了10吨的食物,还有一些工作人员在密切监测着这些大象的途径和活动范围。 Provincial authorities have carried out a comprehensive response plan to ensure the safety of both humans and elephants. Kunming City and Jining District launched a contingency plan. Twelve unmanned aircraft were used to continuously monitor the moves of the elephants, emergency mucking trucks were sent to block surrounding roads into the village, local residents were quickly organized to evacuate and food was used to steer the animals away from urban areas. Yuxi City has continued to strengthen monitoring to prevent the return of the elephants. 大象为何一路向北? 这一群大象活动将近一年的时间,大部分时间还是在它原来的栖息地附近,比如说西双版纳和普洱市范围内。进入5月份突然长距离向北,这就很不正常。也有很多科学家提出了不同的看法,更倾向是由于象的首领不了解它们北上的路线和一路上所要遇到的困难,所以是属于迷路带领家族群在北上,所以这是很危险、很艰难的北上路线,严旬说。 大象会调头回去吗? 据严旬分析,从象群结构来看,15头象有6头是母象,3头公象,还有6头是幼年象,其中有3头年龄很小的。所以就感觉到这群象在没有做好准备的情况下,就匆忙带领家族北上,所以这个象群的首领实际上是出了问题。 它原来生活的地方是西双版纳和普洱大概在海拔600米左右,昆明海拔已经接近像晋宁,估计在1300米到1500米,到昆明市中心1800米左右,而且已经是属于亚热带和中亚热带,和原来生存的南亚热带和热带地区已经是截然不同的地理气候和海拔高度,所以我判断它行进到一定的时候,它会向南,会调转方向。 往北走两个因素一个是海拔,一个是植被和食物,因为从这几天观测的情况来看,大部分时间还是走在林子里边,但是林子里边的植物,会不会是它原来熟悉的食物,现在不好说,现在看更多的是人类给它投喂的苞米等粮食作物。 The 15 wild Asian elephants left the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve in Yunnan's southernmost part and started marching north, passing through several counties and occasionally wandering into villages and towns. Monitoring images show that the herd includes six female adult elephants, three male adults, three sub-adults, and three cubs. The herd is still on the move and has been traveling for almost 500 kilometers. 为什么主动进行人工干预? 严旬解释说,“主要是防止人象冲突。从前线了解到,我们有工作组和专家团队研究了几次方案,最担心的就是人象冲突。多年来人象冲突在云南已经是一个比较严重的问题。大象经常是把老百姓的庄稼损害了,甚至损害老百姓的人身安全,所以我们最担心的还是人象冲突问题。” 未来会不会有更多的野象闯入人类的生活? 严旬总结说,“我们这么多年保护工作取得了很大的成就,象的种群数量在快速增加,所以必然就引起象要向外扩散(的现象)。我们国家的大象分布是整个亚洲象的最北边,所以一般它往南去比较容易,向北扩散就相对比较难,特别是海拔和气候的原因。 我们希望当地政府能够给它们提供更多的栖息环境和食物来源,因为保护区里面这些年适应大象采食区域越来越小,希望更多给大象营造一种“食堂”,或者是栖息的草场,让它能够获得更多的野外食物而不是人工投喂。” What has made these endangered animals leave their habitat and march north is still a mystery. According to the Yunnan Forestry and Grassland Bureau, with more environmental protection measures taken, the forest canopy density and coverage rate have increased significantly in Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve. Inedible woody plants have gradually taken the place of undergrowth vegetation, such as plantains that are one of their favorite foods. Some researchers suspect that the reduction of plants to feed on is one reason that forced the herd to move out of their protected areas. Asian elephants are under first-class national protection in China and are listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species. The population of wild Asian elephants has been increasing in China. After more than 30 years of rescue efforts, the number of wild Asian elephants has grown from only 193 in the early 1980s to about 300 today. 推荐阅读:一路向北!云南15头野生亚洲象正迁移