Editor's note: "Roots of China's Growth" is a 10-episode series marking the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which has presided over the country's meteoric rise as a global power. The series focuses on 10 fundamental elements of the strategy that has led to China's transformation from an impoverished nation over the past 100 years. "China's peaceful rise" is the last in the series. The article is part of a special series from CGTN and its international media partners.今年是中国共产党成立100周年。中国共产党自1949年以来一直是中国的执政党,拥有近1亿党员,是人类历史上规模最大的政治党派。China is celebrating the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (July 1, 1921). Ever since 1949, the CPC has been the ruling party of China and, with its almost 100 million members, is the largest political party in history.从官方汇率来看,中国已经发展为世界第二大经济体;而按照购买力平价衡量,中国已是第一大经济体。此外,在农产品、制造业、钢铁、水泥、混凝土、化学纤维、汽车、自行车、台式电脑、移动电话以及其他200多种主要工业品的生产方面,中国也高居世界榜首。China has transformed itself into the second-largest economy (measured by official exchange rate) and the largest economy (measured by purchasing power parity). It has become the biggest producer of agricultural products, manufacturing, iron and steel, cement, concrete, chemical fiber, automobiles, bicycles, desktop computers and mobile phones, as well as more than 200 major industrial items. 中国是世界头号人口大国,每年的大学毕业生数量居全球首位。中国推动建设了全球最长的高速铁路网络,将城市化率提升至近70%;其国民的平均寿命、识字率和平均身高均稳步增长;2020年底,中国宣布彻底消除极端贫困。此外,中国还力争在2030年之前实现碳达峰,在2060年前实现碳中和。中国也是向联合国维和部队派出人员最多的国家。Every year, China, which has the world's largest population, graduates more college students than any other country. It has rolled out the longest high-speed railway network and has pushed the urbanization rate close to 70 percent. Life expectancy, literacy, and the average height of the population are all on the rise. At the end of 2020, China declared that extreme poverty had been eliminated. It has committed to achieving peak carbon emissions by 2030, and carbon neutrality by 2060. The country is the largest contributor to United Nations peacekeeping forces.Infrastructure changes in a cliff village in Zhaojue County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, before (L) and after 2016. /CCTV中国、中国共产党和全体中国人民都有充分的理由为中国的发展和现代化感到无比自豪。China, the CPC, and the Chinese people as a whole have ample reasons and justification to take great pride in the transformation and modernization of China.从历史的角度看,中国所取得的成就更显伟大。因为这些成就均以和平手段实现,靠的是中国人民的勤劳和奉献,而非对他国人民的侵略、占领、压迫和奴役或对他国资源的掠夺。In historical terms, China's great achievements are even more extraordinary in the sense that all these have been achieved peacefully through the hard work and sacrifices of the Chinese people, rather than through wars of aggression, occupation of other countries, suppression of other people's rights, enslaving other nations, or plundering other countries resources.相较西班牙帝国、葡萄牙帝国和大英帝国的崛起,美洲原住民遭到的屠杀,美国数百年的黑奴历史,以及二战前邪恶轴心国的得势,中国的崛起始终是和平的,为全人类创造了巨大的发展机遇。Compared with the rise of the Spanish Empire, the Portuguese Empire, the British Empire, and the extermination of the native populations in America and the enslaving of Blacks for hundreds of years in the United States, and the rise of the Axis powers before and during the Second World War, China's ascent has been peaceful, creating huge growth opportunities for humanity as a whole.自1978年改革开放以来,保障国内稳定、维护世界和平和推动发展就一直是中国共产党领导下的中国和全体中国人民的首要目标。事实上,稳定、和平和发展是相互交织、不可分割的整体。没有国内的稳定,发展就无从谈起。Ever since 1978 when China started opening to the outside world, maintaining domestic stability, keeping peace abroad, and promoting development have always been the top priorities for the nation, the CPC as its leading force, and for the Chinese people as a whole. As a matter of fact, stability, peace, and development have been intertwined into a coherent and inseparable paradigm. Without domestic stability, development is out of the question.Staff members serve British merchant Taishan (R) at an international trade service center in Yiwu, east China's Zhejiang Province, November 29, 2019. /Xinhua
没有任何人愿意在一个动荡混乱的国家里投资。战争和冲突蚕食国家财富,对广大人民毫无益处,没有发展和日益提高的生活水平,稳定就可能成为混乱、无序和革命的牺牲品。No one wants to invest in a country in turmoil and chaos. Wars and conflict eat away at a country's wealth, generating no benefits for the people at large. Without development and without constantly improving livelihoods, stability may give way to chaos, anarchy and revolution.中国的古代哲学简单明了:己所不欲,勿施于人。必要时不惜一切代价确保稳定、维护和平、防止战争,始终坚定不移地促进增长与发展,为全体中国人民谋利。China's ancient philosophy is simple and elegant: Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you. Maintain stability, sometimes at any cost; advocate peace and prevent war, sometimes at any cost; and always promote growth and development for the overall benefit of all the people in China. 如果说良好治理和良好政府的评判标准是民有、民治、民享,那么中国应当以其迅猛的发展和人民生活水平的大幅提高而高居评分榜首位。If the real criterion for good governance and good government is of the people, for the people, and by the people, China should be ranked at the top for the tremendous transformation it has undergone and the spectacular improvement of the living standards of the Chinese people. 除此之外,中国倡导以国际和平和国内稳定来促进发展。任何国家都不掌握绝对真理,也无权将自己的价值观强加于他国。与掠夺和剥削他国相比,更好的做法是尊重彼此、增进互信、促进发展、造福人类。On top of that, China has now become a major champion of peace in the world and the pursuit of domestic stability for the sake of development. No country in the world has a monopoly on truth or has any right to impose its values on other countries. The better way is to respect each other and promote greater understanding and promote growth and development for the benefit of all, rather than engaging in plunder and exploitation of other countries.中国找到了适合自己的发展道路,取得了举世瞩目的成就,创造了独一无二的发展奇迹。展望未来,中国将更加充满自信地继续为维护和平稳定贡献力量,为全人类谋利。China has been unique in identifying an extraordinary growth path for itself and has achieved stellar successes so far. Going forward, it will have greater confidence in doing the right things in continuing to promote stability, peace and development for the benefit of all humanity.作者系苏州大学讲座教授、中国与全球化智库副主任高志凯Victor Gao is a chair professor at Soochow University and vice president of the Center for China and Globalization.