"It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white so long as it catches mice."“不管黑猫白猫,能捉老鼠的就是好猫。”The late Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping's words go straight to the truth of China's rapid growth – the country has chosen a development path that suits its actual conditions.邓小平一语道破了中国迅速发展的原因。那就是,中国选择了一条适合本国国情的发展道路。In the early days of development, the planned economy enabled China to pool the resources needed to build a national industrial system.在中国发展初期,计划经济的确发挥了作用,帮助中国集中资源建设国家工业体系。But as China entered a new developmental stage, it shifted focus to opening-up to drive its industrialization to a higher level.但是进入新的发展阶段后,中国将关注重点转向了开放,以期进一步推进其工业化进程。"The success of this transition has been to move away from planning toward the market but recognizing that the market economy is not perfect. And that's where the state comes in to guide it, to push it, to create incentives, to cool it down when it gets too hot, or to warm it up when it gets too cold," Laurence Brahm, a senior research fellow at Center for China and Globalization, said earlier in an interview with CGTN.“中国成功从计划经济转向市场经济,但同时也认识到市场经济并不完善。这时就需要国家为市场提供引导力、推动力、创造更多动力,在经济过热之时使其降温,在萧条之时让其回暖。” 中国与全球化智库资深研究员龙安志在与CGTN此前的采访中说道。For China, development, not ideology, is the hard truth. The country is combining the visible hand of the government and the invisible hand of the market to tap the maximum potentiality for development.对于中国来说,发展,而非意识形态,才是硬道理。中国把政府这只“看得见的手”和市场那只“看不见的手”结合起来,全力挖掘发展潜力。Ideology is not the only criterion in determining China's path. This institutional flexibility has made the whole system in China dynamic, test-based and forward-looking, and has turned the Chinese people into the final arbiter of reform and experiments in all walks of life.意识形态不是决定中国道路的唯一标准。这种制度灵活性使整个国家体系充满活力、勇于尝试、高瞻远瞩。各行各业改革与探索的最终决定权掌握在人民手中。Unlike some Western countries where the need to ensure political correctness outweighs people's interests, the ultimate aim of the political system in China is to serve people. The system changes to adapt to the country's changing situations and people's changing needs.与一些将政治正确置于人民利益之上的西方国家不同,中国政治制度的最终目的是为人民服务。这种制度具有高度灵活性,以适应国家不断变化的形势和人民日益增长的需求。"The communism we see in China today is much closer to what Sun Yat-sen would call '民生主义' – the livelihood of the people, taking people's livelihood as the center. This is what former Premier Wen Jiabao used to say in a different way, '以人为本' – have people as your foundation," William Kirby, professor at Harvard University, said.哈佛大学教授柯伟林称:“中国目前的共产主义更接近于孙中山所说的‘民生主义’,即保障人民生计、以民生为中心前总理温家宝也曾说过类似的话,也就是‘以人为本’。”China's system takes people's livelihood as the core. As Deng said, a cat just needs to catch a mouse – its color doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if the system is perceived as socialist or capitalist so long as it can satisfy people's needs.中国的制度将民生放在主要地位。正如邓小平所说,猫只需要捉住老鼠,它的颜色无关紧要。只要这个制度能满足人们的需求,它被认为是社会主义的还是资本主义的就不重要了。Such institutional flexibility has saved Chinese people from poverty as well as political and ideological hair-splitting, and instilled the strong spirit of pragmatism, realism, and hard work in the Chinese people. This paved the way for China's rise into a major power.中国的制度灵活性帮助中国人民摆脱了贫穷并挣脱了政治和意识形态的牢笼,培养了他们的务实、求真和奋斗精神,为中国发展成为世界大国奠定了基础。 推荐阅读:CGTN时评 | 开放的中国与世界同频共振 CGTN时评丨以人为本:植根于中国古老智慧的执政理念