决策者 | 承蒙国家大力支持 香港营商环境一片亮丽
Editor's note: Decision Makers is a global platform for decision makers to share their insights inon events shaping today's world. Stephen Phillips is director-general of investment promotion at Invest Hong Kong. The article reflects the author's opinions and not necessarily the views of CGTN.
As businesses around the world look to secure growth opportunities after the ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic, the report could not be more timely. It sets out clearly the exciting opportunities in Hong Kong for international and mainland businesses. At the same time, the report sets the record straight about various misconceptions of Hong Kong as a result of biased reporting in some quarters. It is a must-read for businesses.
香港特别行政区财政司司长陈茂波于九月二十七日发表题为《香港营商环境报告:优势独特 机遇无限》的报告(简称“报告”),随着环球企业紧锣密鼓地计划疫后商业部署,司长的报告来得正合其时,报告清楚列明香港为世界各地及内地企业所提供的良佳商机;与此同时,此报告亦有助纠正国际投资者因为部分媒体持续的偏颇报导而对香港产生的误解。企业有必要将这份重要报告列为“必读书目”。
Since the establishment of the HKSAR of the People's Republic of China, "One Country, Two Systems" has been the cornerstone of our economic development, underpinning our institutional strengths which are so favorable for doing business. These strengths, coupled with many other advantages, provide the basis for our competitiveness. They are why Hong Kong has thrived as an international center for finance, commerce and trade, a home for corporate headquarters, as well as a major hub of investment, transportation and logistics.
But we can't ignore the reality that the Hong Kong economy was impacted by the social turmoil in 2019, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the actions of some countries. I would encourage business leaders to take a look at the facts in the report about the large-scale violence, the threats to national security, the challenges to rule of law and how Hong Kong has been subject to unjustifiable measures by certain countries. After all, the facts form the basis of sound investment and business decisions.
The good news for Hong Kong and businesses around the world is the national security law for Hong Kong and the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong" have effectively restored social stability and safeguarded the business environment in Hong Kong. Indeed a wide range of international organizations recognize this and foreign chambers of commerce here remain confident about the future.
This leads me to the key message I want to convey: the future really is one of unlimited opportunities.
Of course, every business needs solid foundations. Hong Kong provides these with our robust, inherent strengths. These include the rule of law and judicial independence; the free flows of goods, capital, talent and information; a low and simple tax regime; our robust financial system; sound regulatory frameworks; world-class infrastructure and digital facilities; our status as a free port; world-renowned dispute avoidance and resolution services; our wealth of talent; our position as Asia's international and cosmopolitan city; our safe and quality environment conducive not only to work but leisure and play. The list goes on, all underpinned by the unique advantages under "One Country, Two Systems."
A night view of Victoria Harbor in Hong Kong, south China, June 12, 2020. /Xinhua
But what about the unlimited opportunities? A good place to start is two key national policies.
First, the 14th Five-Year Plan sets a clear positioning for the development of Hong Kong. It supports Hong Kong in consolidating and enhancing its status as an international financial, transportation and trade center, as well as a center for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region. At the same time, the plan supports Hong Kong's development as an international aviation hub, an international innovation and technology hub, a regional intellectual property trading center and a hub for arts and cultural exchange between China and the rest of the world.
The second is the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA). The GBA city cluster, comprising Hong Kong, Macao and nine cities in Guangdong Province is one of the world's largest and most competitive bay areas, with a population of 86 million. With GDP at $1.67 trillion in 2020, it is about the same size as the world's ninth largest economy (Canada), and boasts a per-capita GDP of close to $20,000. What's more, it is a world-renowned base for production and exports, whilst its innovation and technology and advanced services industries have developed rapidly, making it home to some of our country's most innovative businesses. The GBA really is one of the most exciting economic development initiatives around the world and I would argue too significant for any business to ignore.
其二是《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》。大湾区是一个充满活力的城市集群,其中包括香港、澳门两个特别行政区和广东省的九个城市,是全球最大和最具竞争力的湾区之一。2020年大湾区的总人口已经超过8600万。该区域2020年的本地国民生产总值约1.67万亿美元,与全球第九大经济体(加拿大)差不多持平,本地人均国民生产总值近20000 美元。大湾区将会成为世界知名的生产及出口中心,科创及先进服务业的发展甚为迅速,很多中国科创巨企均驻扎于此。粤港澳大湾区是世界上最令人振奋的经济发展项目之一,个人认为任何一家公司都无法忽略其重要性。
More recently, the Plan for Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Opening-up of the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone will provide even more new opportunities.
At InvestHK – as a department of the HKSAR government - our role is to help businesses and entrepreneurs from around the world to set up and grow here in Hong Kong to seize these opportunities. In short, we aim to help them turn opportunity into reality. That is good for the businesses and good for Hong Kong and the people of Hong Kong.
Telling the Hong Kong story is an integral part of our daily work at InvestHK. It is something I will never tire of and relish. Going forward, with the continued support of the central Government, I see excellent prospects for Hong Kong's economy. There is no doubt in my mind that Hong Kong and businesses in Hong Kong have a bright future.
I and my colleagues in 31 locations across the world will keep telling the Hong Kong story, in the context of the GBA, our country and Asia. We will provide businesses with the support they need to set up and grow here in Hong Kong. The end result is a positive impact for our economy, for our economic mix and for the jobs created for the people of Hong Kong, and as the report says, "unique advantages and unlimited opportunities."