奥运徽章起源于希腊雅典。最初是用来区别运动员、官员和新闻媒体身份的圆纸板。常有参赛选手通过交换身上所佩戴的圆纸牌,来传递彼此的美好祝福,奥运徽章交换的习俗便由此产生。在其后的百余年里,徽章的材质不断改进,设计样式也不断增多。这些徽章不仅涵盖了奥运项目,体现了奥运精神,还承载着不同国家和地区的文化背景和特色。周三,北京2022年冬奥会火种抵达北京,冬奥会的脚步渐近。能让人切实感受到冬奥氛围的,除了正在燃烧传递的奥运圣火,还有在社交网络上热度居高不下的冬奥会“周边”徽章。从神话传说到民俗传统,从四大发明到铜锅涮肉,从比赛场馆到茶馆胡同……设计者们匠心独运,从北京乃至整个中国提取闪光,定格在这些金属片上。The Olympic flame is lit up at the Welcome Ceremony for the Flame of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, China, October 20, 2021. /CFPWith the countdown for the Beijing 2022 Winter Games already beginning, the Olympic flame for the Games arrived in the Chinese capital on Wednesday morning from Athens, Greece.In addition to the live Olympic flame, the pin for the upcoming Winter Olympics has been trending on social media.
Originating in Athens in 1896 as a badge, the Olympic emblem pin was initially used to distinguish athletes, officials and media persons. The trading of Olympic pins later became a custom when some athletes exchanged their emblem pins as a way to send good wishes to each other. In the following hundred years, the material and design patterns of pins have been improved. These pins not only embody the Olympic spirit but also carry the cultural background and characteristics of different countries and regions.
The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games pin has already become popular for its rich selection of theme and exquisite design.「老北京的冰上娱乐」本土情怀系列徽章依托老北京水系地理位置布局进行设计,每一枚徽章上都加入了地理环境特征,像地图上的一颗颗小图钉,标注着北京这座城市与冰雪运动的渊源。也有充满了生活气息的系列。喝茶、涮肉、听相声、逛胡同,每个细节都透着浓郁的地方特色。于是传递一枚徽章,也是传递一个热热闹闹的冬日。“更高,更快,更强,更团结”的奥林匹克格言甚至在上古神话中就见端倪,中国传说与希腊神话中的“奥林匹斯山”遥相呼应。夸父逐日、女娲补天、大禹治水、嫦娥奔月……无不是人类对自身与世界的探索与挑战,是中国的文化形象,也是民族精神。除了神话,徽章也参考中国传统绘画,如实记录了中国历史上真实存续的竞技体育项目。当然,徽章的主角更少不了憨态可掬的北京冬奥会吉祥物——冰墩墩,和相互了解、友谊、团结和公平竞争的奥林匹克精神。作为文化输出的小窗口,徽章系列的主题还涵盖了美食、民俗、生肖等等。