举世瞩目的北京冬奥会即将正式拉开序幕,而极具中式浪漫风格的“雪如意”和世界首座完成“水冰转换”的“冰立方”无疑将成为冬奥场馆中的“顶流网红”。为了让你提前一饱眼福,我们在云端精心复刻了这两大场馆,并设计了两个小游戏,供你体验冰雪世界的速度与激情。在“雪如意”,你将化身北京冬奥赛场上跳台滑雪的王者,纵享百米高空纵身一跃的快感,而如何掌握跳跃距离分和飞行姿态的完美平衡,将是你能否打破世界纪录、攀上生涯顶峰的关键。在“冰立方”,你又能摇身一变,成为在冰场处乱不惊、运筹帷幄的冰壶名将,尽情来一场看似风平浪静、实则暗潮涌动的冰上博弈……Fast and furious: Enjoy fun on snow and iceThe 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics are just around the corner, and they are set to be a global sports spectacle like no other. Before competitions start, we invite you to take a sneak peek at two of the event's most spectacular venues: the National Ski Jumping Center, nicknamed Snow Ruyi, and the National Aquatics Center, aka the Ice Cube.You also won't want to miss out on these entertaining games we designed that allow you to step into the athletes' shoes. At Snow Ruyi, you can transform into an Olympic ski jumper, enjoying the thrill of soaring through the air. A clean landing will score highly, but there's an added challenge if you want to break a world record. At the Ice Cube, you can play the role of a curling master, whose wisdom, composure, and precision will be the key to come out on top. You can also create your own avatars, with multiple uniforms, accessories, and gears to choose from. Without further ado, why not scan the QR code and join the fun?