
冬奥大咖谈 | 体育发展离不开知识产权保护

CGTN CGTN 2022-02-28


The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games have kicked off. As people watch the games on various platforms, they will see the famous Olympic rings logo appearing everywhere. Yet the use of this omnipresent symbol is in fact strictly protected. In 1981, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) created the Nairobi Treaty on the Protection of the Olympic Symbol (the Nairobi Treaty), which laid down an international foundation for the legal protection of the Olympic emblem.


In a recent interview with CGTN, World Intellectual Property Organization’s Director General Daren Tang told Tian Wei that the connection between IP and sports actually goes back quite a long way. He pointed to the fact that broadcasting rights make up around 70% of the IOC's revenue, an example of how IP protection plays an important role in the success of sporting events, the sports industry and athletes.


WIPO is a United Agency with 193 members. As its Director General, Daren Tang came to watch the opening ceremony in person in Beijing. He shared his excitement on social media: “The #Beijing2022 opening is amazing and I am pleased that WIPO is helping ensure the Games' success through our treaty protecting the Olympic logo.”



DG Tang pointed out that global sports rights were already valued at $50 billion a few years ago. In a few years’ time, that number is predicted to reach $85 billion. He hopes that IP rights can support international sporting organizations, allow them to earn revenue and in return support athletes.


Deng said, in recent years, developing countries are increasingly focused on IP protection. In the past two decades, China in particular has seen huge rise in the number of patent applications filed with WIPO, ranking first globally in 2019 and 2020. Asian filings also account for more than half of all patent applications, which signals the rise of innovation in the area. 


