'Right side' of history for U.S.
自美西方对俄罗斯实施制裁以来,美国政府频繁对一些中立国施压令其“选边站”,就好像只要没有参与对俄制裁,就等于没有站在历史“正义”的一方。然而纵观美国历史,多次以 “正义”的旗号对主权国家发动侵略战争,其所谓的正义不过是建立在霸权主义和强权政治基础之上罢了。
Since the Western countries imposed sanctions on Russia, the U.S. government has repeatedly pressured some neutral nations to choose side. It seems that if one doesn't go against Russia, one does not stand on the right side of history. However, throughout its history, the U.S. has repeatedly waged wars against sovereign nations under the pretext of "justice,” but is actually based on hegemonism and politics of might.