
“携手迎接挑战,合作开创未来” 听听博鳌大咖们怎么说!

CGTN 2022-04-28





Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday delivered a keynote speech titled "Rising to Challenges and Building a Bright Future Through Cooperation" via video at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2022.

"All countries should conform to the historical trend of peace, development and win-win cooperation," Chinese President Xi Jinping said. 

How can we build a better post-pandemic world? What can we do to boost the steady recovery and sustainable development of the global economy? And how can we seek win-win cooperation? 

CGTN interviewed some political leaders, experts and business leaders both at BFA and online. Let's see what they said.


全球化不可逆转 区域贸易值得关注

“My conclusion is that production, supply, and trade would be more or less adjusted. There will be more regional trade. I think you could see that even last year or even during the last two years. China-ASEAN trade increased dramatically. It means trade within the region is becoming more convenient, cheaper. I think it'll be this kind of phenomenon that the world needs to take note of. But this cannot reverse global trade, reverse global supply chains, and reverse economic globalization. So people and all countries should continue to be confident that globalization has already become part of daily life. This cannot be regressed.” 

– Liu Zhenmin, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations (UN)



“I don't know why some people are so obsessed with bloc confrontation with the so-called new Cold War. Indeed like my old friend, the former U.S. Ambassador to China Max Baucus said, it may not be a nuclear war. It could be a war of culture, technology. But I think the consequences would be the same or even worse, because they are trying to divide the global community into different blocs, to serve their own narrow interest while the real need is for all of us to unite, to come together.”

– Former Chinese ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai 



“We are not talking about four decades ago when China or other asian countries were out of the global value chain. Now, they are at the center of the value chain. I was here in 2012, accompanying the president of Brazil at that time, President Dilma. It was the first time a Latin American President attended Boao. So that was almost 10 years ago. I see a lot of differences in terms of the strategy for Hainan.” 

– Alessandro Golombiewski Teixeira, Former Chief Economic Advisor to the President of Brazil 

“以人为本” 造就中国成就

China's digital transformation drive is making history while also leading many sectors of the 4th industrial revolution by developing new technologies, Teixeira said. 




Carstens, General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements and former Governor of the Bank of Mexico, pointed out that the COVID-19 pandemic, loose monetary policies in many countries and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine are the important reasons behind global inflation, and inflationary pressure will not ease soon. But Carstens also noted that the global economy is resilient to coping with complex situations, curb inflation and achieve recovery. He also called on central banks around the world to strengthen exchanges and communication to jointly tackle challenges.



“COVID-19 has reminded us just how interconnected and interdependent the world is. While frictions remain, we must remember growth and prosperity (are) achieved through cooperation. All countries would like to emerge stronger from this crisis. Within Asia, let's strengthen partnerships and deepen the integration of our economies in an open and inclusive way.” 

– Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies of Singapore 



Leon Wang, executive vice president of AstraZeneca, said the main challenges are insufficient budgets and difficulties in cold-chain transportation. He is calling for close international cooperation in supply chain and technology sharing to solve the issue of COVID-19 vaccine shortages.


中国能建集团董事长 宋海良在接受CGTN记者赵之骏采访时说:“我们所处的时代有三大经济形态的特征比较突出,一个是共享经济,一个是绿色低碳经济,最后一个是数字智慧经济,这三大经济形态是我们经济发展的底色、基础和框架。

The era we live in has three prominent economic forms: one is the sharing economy, the other is the green and low-carbon economy, and the last is the digital smart economy. These three economic forms are the background, foundation, and framework of our economic development.



"Many new technologies have been used in the prevention and control of the pandemic, especially AI. We want to use all kinds of new technologies to improve the efficiency of medical works. In the post-pandemic era, figuring out how to use AI in more areas so that we can respond more effectively to the epidemic and promote economic development is very important."

–Mao Xinsheng, Chairman of Shukun Technology



“After listening to President Xi Jinping's keynote speech, what I felt the most was that human beings are an indivisible security community. At present, human beings are still facing many common challenges, such as epidemics, wars, poverty, global warming, etc. On these issues, all human beings share weal and woe, so we must work together to better use technology to solve common problems faced by a ‘community with a shared future.’” 

– Du Lan, Senior Vice President of iFlytek



“In the face of the epidemic and the complex and changing international situation, leaders of Boao Forum for Asia member countries, scholars and entrepreneurs gathered together to analyze the current problems and formulate ideas to deal with new threats and challenges. I think the whole world will actively pay attention to the latest results of this Boao Forum Annual Meeting with hope. Kazakhstan and China have broad prospects for cooperation in many important fields such as artificial intelligence, tourism, ‘One Belt, One Road’ infrastructure projects, logistics, traditional folk medicine, education and culture, and our two countries can cooperate effectively. We hope that this year's Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference will be the beginning of large-scale cooperation between the two countries in economic and other fields, which will surely benefit the two peoples.” 

– Kazakh Tunkan Association Chairman Anhousai 


马来西亚驻华大使拉惹·拿督·努西尔万在接受CGTN记者戴铠采访时表示,全球化现象不会消失,RCEP 将加强区域供应链。他希望博鳌亚洲论坛将成为促进对话的重要会议。

Raja Dato' Nushirwan Zainal Abidin, the ambassador of Malaysia to China, thinks the globalization phenomenon will not go away and that RCEP will strengthen regional supply chains. He hopes that the BFA will be an important gathering for the facilitation of dialogue.



“The Boao Forum for Asia has always been a responsible, innovative platform, and has provided solutions for the development of the world economy. The epidemic has not only brought huge medical and health challenges to the world, but also greatly affected the development of the world economy. Countries around the world, especially developing countries, are facing difficulties. We look forward to this year's Boao Forum for Asia in providing solutions for developing countries. ”

– Sri Lankan Ambassador to China Palita Kohona

法国政治学者Moundhir Sajjad Bechari

法国政治学者Moundhir Sajjad Bechari在接受CGTN《光华世界观察》栏目采访时说:“我们看到疫情期间亚洲的防疫措施取得了很好的成效,亚洲经济受冲击较小,且产业链完善,具备良好的发展势头,是拉动世界经济增长的重要一极。博鳌论坛是个非常重要的平台,不同发展水平的经济体可以借助平台加强交流合作,实现优势互补。此外,《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》的生效也将进一步加强和巩固全球化的产业链,未来可能吸收更多的域外国家参与其中。”

“We have seen that the anti-epidemic measures in Asia have achieved good results. The Asian economy has been less affected, and the industrial chain is complete and has a good momentum of development. It is an important region in driving the growth of the world economy. The Boao Forum is a very important platform. Economies at different levels of development can use the platform to strengthen exchanges and cooperation and achieve complementary advantages. In addition, the entry into force of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership will further strengthen and consolidate the globalized industrial chain, and may attract more foreign countries to participate in the future.” 

– French political scholar Moundhir Sajjad Bechari 

指点财津 | 博鳌论坛为亚洲描绘绿色未来

