博鳌亚洲论坛于近日在海南博鳌举行,中国国家主席习近平在主旨演讲中指出,“越是困难时刻,越要坚定信心”,并提出要将亚洲打造成为“世界的和平稳定锚、增长动力源、合作新高地”。与此同时,面对反复的疫情和紧张的地缘政治局势,许多国家和地区出现了逆全球化思潮,保护主义不断抬头。“亚洲已然成为了全球地缘经济的‘子午线’,”新开发银行行长马可(Marcos Troyjo)指出,“保持全球经济开放才能推动全球经济发展。”一起来听听他的解读。↓↓↓
NDB President: There Is No Alternative to GlobalizationThe Boao Forum for Asia 2022 kicked off in China's Hainan province. Post-Covid economic recovery takes center stage in as the world faces growing uncertainties. Under these circumstances, many say globalization is no longer a "silver bullet". Arguing the other way round, Marcos Troyjo, President of the New Development Bank (NDB), says "keeping the global economy open is to keep the global economy going", and there's no alternative to that. 王冠:闪烁人性光辉!北京冬奥照亮人类共存之道