The Chinese mainland recorded 920 new confirmed COVID-19 cases on Saturday, with 916 linked to local transmissions and four from overseas, data from the National Health Commission showed on Sunday. A total of 7,409 new asymptomatic cases were also recorded on Saturday, and 180,362 asymptomatic patients remain under medical observation.
4月30日0—24时,上海新增本土新冠肺炎确诊病例788例和无症状感染者7084例,其中683例确诊病例为既往无症状感染者转归,105例确诊病例和7084例无症状感染者在隔离管控中发现。新增本土死亡38例。 此外,5月1日上午,上海市召开新冠肺炎疫情防控新闻发布会。据介绍,昨天,上海本土确诊病例出院3055例,无症状感染者解除集中隔离医学观察16021例,将返回居住地接受健康监测,由社区妥善做好接返工作。 Shanghai on Saturday reported 788 new confirmed locally transmitted COVID-19 infections and 7,084 local asymptomatic cases, the municipal health commission said Sunday. Of the newly confirmed cases, 683 had previously been reported as asymptomatic carriers. The city also logged 38 deaths related to COVID-19 on Saturday. A total of 3,055 patients were discharged from hospitals after recovery on Saturday, said the commission.
上海疫情呈波动下降趋势 社区传播风险得到有效遏制
上海市政府副秘书长、市疫情防控工作领导小组办公室主任顾洪辉在会上表示,近一个月以来,在全国各地的齐心援助和全体市民的共同努力下,上海本轮疫情防控取得阶段性成效。当前,上海市疫情形势稳中向好,清零攻坚效果日益显现。本土阳性感染者自4月13日达到单日峰值27605例后,总体呈现波动下降趋势。4月27日起,单日新增感染者数量已连续4天在1万例以下。核酸筛查和抗原检测的阳性检出率逐步下降,经专家综合研判,上海市疫情社区传播风险已得到有效遏制。 The risk of COVID-19 community transmission in Shanghai has been effectively contained, Gu Honghui, head of Shanghai's COVID-19 response team, said at a press conference on Sunday. Shanghai's daily local infections peaked on April 13 with 27,605 cases and have been going down since, Gu said, adding that the infection rate is declining.
The city has now reined in COVID-19 transmission risks at the community level, with six of its 16 districts attaining zero-COVID-19 status, Gu noted. So far, the six districts - Fengxian, Jinshan, Chongming, Qingpu, Songjiang, and Putuo - have witnessed no community transmissions, he said. Gu explained that if the number of new daily infections has accounted for less than 1/100,000 of the total number of people in the district for three consecutive days, it indicates that the district has basically realized no community transmissions; if the number of new daily infections falls to zero for three consecutive days, it means that the district has no community transmissions.
He stressed that Shanghai would return to regular epidemic prevention and control measures once no community transmissions are registered.
上海正持续动态梯次调整“三区”管控范围,上海全市封控区人口数下降至300多万,管控区人口约600万,防范区人口数上升至1500多万。 顾洪辉称,上海按照“三区”划分要求,实施从严管控,最大限度减少人员流动聚集。对封控区,严格实施“足不出户、服务上门”的管控要求,防止人员外出流动。对管控区,严格实施“人不出小区(单位),错峰取物”的管控要求,原则上居家,每户每天可在严格做好个人防护的前提下,分时有序、分区限流至小区指定区域活动,无接触式收取快递物资。对防范区,严格实施“个人防护,严禁聚集”的防控要求,按照“有序放开、有限流动、有效管控、分类管理”的原则,实行分区分级差异化管控。 Gu also stressed strict implementation of the epidemic control requirements in the areas in lockdown, control and precaution, as the number of those in lockdown and under control continue to decline.
Beijing reported 55 new COVID-19 infections, including 51 confirmed cases and four asymptomatic cases, between 3:00 p.m. Saturday and 3:00 p.m. Sunday, local health authorities said at a news conference on Sunday.
Another area in Beijing's Chaoyang District was upgraded to high risk for COVID-19 on Sunday, bringing the city's tally to seven. Meanwhile, 28 areas in Beijing are now classified as medium-risk areas.
Beijing's Xiaotangshan temporary hospital will be put into use on May 1, a spokesperson for the local health authorities said on Sunday.
近期全国疫情继续呈现点多面广态势,多地也加强了疫情防控,要求“五一”期间出行需提供“三码一证明”,即健康码、场所码、行程码和48小时内核酸检测阴性证明。 交通运输部日前印发的《关于统筹做好2022年“五一”假期疫情防控和交通运输服务保障等工作的通知》要求,进一步提高科学精准防控水平,统筹做好“五一”假期交通运输疫情防控和人民群众正常出行、经济社会发展服务保障。 As the epidemic spread across the country, many localities have strengthened epidemic prevention and control, requiring travelers to hold certificates with negative nucleic acid test results within 48 hours, the health QR codes, and digital travel records during the May Day holiday. 推荐阅读:本土新增“1494+9791”,国家卫健委:4月以来累计本土感染者超55万例 本土新增“1818+12404”,上海延期举行普通高中学业水平等级性考试 本土新增“5646+9942”,“动态清零”是中国防控疫情的制胜“法宝”