指点财津 | 经济难题困扰着刚刚连任的法国总统
As the Russia-Ukraine conflict pushes up energy and food prices, the life of the middle and lower classes in France becomes increasingly difficult. Therefore, after the re-election of French President Emmanuel Macron, boosting the economy is still the top priority.
Since 2017, the Macron government has reduced the corporate tax rate from 33 to 25 percent. However, France's national debt is equivalent to 115 percent of its GDP, which is at an all-time high.
In this episode of BizBeat, CGTN's Michelle Van den Bergh analyzes.
指点财津 | “反工作”成流行词,美国离职率高企
指点财津 | 经历疫情与俄乌冲突考验,中国经济将继续稳健发展