5月7日0—24时,31个省(自治区、直辖市)和新疆生产建设兵团报告新增确诊病例329例。其中境外输入病例10例(福建5例,上海2例,山东1例,广东1例,广西1例);本土病例319例(上海215例,北京44例,河南25例,广东21例,青海4例,吉林3例,重庆2例,河北1例,内蒙古1例,黑龙江1例,江苏1例,浙江1例),含141例由无症状感染者转为确诊病例(上海135例,吉林3例,广东2例,浙江1例)。新增死亡病例8例,均为本土病例,在上海;无新增疑似病例。 The Chinese mainland on Saturday reported 319 confirmed local COVID-19 cases, of which 215 were in Shanghai, the National Health Commission said on Sunday. Apart from Shanghai, 11 other provincial-level regions on the mainland saw new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases, including 44 in Beijing and 25 in Henan. Shanghai also logged eight deaths on Saturday due to underlying diseases. 上海出现新型变异株? 市疾控:目前未出现 5月7日,针对社群中传出消息称“上海出现新的(新冠病毒)变异株,传播速度提升30%”,上海辟谣平台接到不少求证需求。 上海市疾控中心表示,目前上海持续开展新冠病毒样本基因测序,测序结果显示近期上海本土疫情报告的感染者的病毒基因分型,主要为奥密克戎BA.2和BA.2.2变异株,目前未发现传播力更强的新变异株。 Shanghai has clarified rumors of a new mutated COVID-19 strain emerging in the city on Sunday. Zhao Dandan, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, said that the city has continued to carry out gene sequencing of the novel coronavirus samples and the results showed that the virus genotypes are mainly Omicron BA.2 and BA.2.2 variant strains.
2022年5月8日,上海市民进行核酸检测。/ CFP
上海昨日新增本土确诊病例215例 新增本土无症状感染者3760例 上海市卫健委今早(8日)通报:2022年5月7日0—24时,新增本土新冠肺炎确诊病例215例和无症状感染者3760例,其中135例确诊病例为既往无症状感染者转归,80例确诊病例和3749例无症状感染者在隔离管控中发现。新增境外输入性确诊病例2例,均在闭环管控中发现。 Shanghai reports 215 new confirmed COVID-19 cases China's Shanghai on Saturday reported 215 new confirmed locally transmitted COVID-19 infections; and 3,760 local asymptomatic COVID-19 cases, the municipal health commission said Sunday. 北京昨日新增本土44+18分布在这7个区 5月7日0时至24时,新增44例本土确诊病例和18例无症状感染者,无新增疑似病例;无新增境外输入确诊病例、无症状感染者和疑似病例。治愈出院10例。 2022年5月8日,北京,丰台区长辛店玉皇庄社区核酸检测点。/ CFP
Wang Manru, 94, was admitted to a temporary COVID-19 hospital in Shanghai on April 22 and has been discharged. When the silver-haired lady was admitted to the hospital, she impressed medical workers with her use of a smartphone and her love of laughing and talking. The medics discovered that Wang was a nurse who participated in frontline medical treatment in the War to Resist the U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea and won third-class merit on the battlefield. After a week of treatment, Wang was discharged from the hospital for home observation. 推荐阅读:本土新增“345+4275”,上海高考、中考延期举行 本土新增“1494+9791”,国家卫健委:4月以来累计本土感染者超55万例