Welcome to Reality Check.欢迎收看《就实论事》。Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida
recently became the first Japanese PM to attend a NATO summit. He said Japan
intends to upgrade its partnership with NATO significantly after the Ukraine
conflict because security in Europe can’t be separated from security in Asia.日本首相岸田文雄近期成为了首位出席北约峰会的日本首相。他表示,日本计划在乌克兰冲突后大幅提升与北约的伙伴关系,因为欧洲的安全与亚洲安全紧密相连。Translation: I'm with you on Russia. I want
your support on China later.翻译成大白话:我支持你的对俄政策。我需要你之后支持我的对华政策。In even plainer terms: I need some
firepower.更简单地说:我需要一些火力支持。After it was defeated in WWII, Japan wasn't
allowed any offensive military capabilities.二战之后,战败的日本被剥夺了拥有进攻性的军事力量的权利。Japan's constitution, drafted under
America's supervision, only left room for self-defense. So, the Japan
Self-Defense Forces, the JSDF, grew to become Japan's de facto military.在美国监督下起草的日本宪法只为“自卫”保留了权利。因此,日本自卫队成为了日本事实上的军队。But JSDF didn't really remain "self-defense."但自卫队并没有真正仅仅保持“自卫”。It started with supportive roles. Like it
did during Operation Enduring Freedom after 9/11 for reconstruction.它先是从辅助角色开始突破。就像在9/11之后的“持久自由军事行动”中所做的那样,以重建为名。Then in 2015, a vote in the National Diet
broadened JSDF's scope, allowing it to defend other allies in cases of war.然后,2015年日本国会投票扩大了自卫队的责任范围,允许其在发生战争时保护日本盟友。This year, Japan started to go after
defense treaties. It signed one with Australia in January. And it's looking for
similar pacts with the UK and France.今年,日本开始寻求建立防御协议。它在一月份与澳大利亚签署了一份防御条约。日本正在寻求与英国和法国签署类似的条约。Now, you may ask: Why isn't the U.S.
stopping Japan? Didn't America force Japan to be pacifist?你可能会问:为什么美国不阻止日本?美国曾经不是将和平主义强加于日本的么?It did, then it didn't.美国的确这么做了,然后又不做了。Between 2016 and 2020, the United States
accounted for 97 percent of Japan's "defense" equipment imports.2016年至2020年间,约97%的日本“国防”军备进口自美国。In 2021, Japan is reported to have more
than 900 warplanes, 48 destroyers including 8 Aegis missile-combat systems and
20 submarines. It has bought hundreds of F-35s including dozens of F-35Bs.据报道,截至2021年日本拥有900多架战机、48艘驱逐舰,其中8艘搭载宙斯盾作战系统,还有20艘潜艇。此外,日本还购买了数百架F-35战斗机,其中包括数十架F-35B型机。F-35s and the Aegis systems are made by
American arms company Lockheed Martin. In October 2021, U.S. Marine Corps F-35B
operated off Japan's aircraft carrier. Japan is the largest user of
American stealth fighters outside of the United States.F-35战斗机和宙斯盾作战系统均由美国军火公司洛克希德马丁公司制造。2021年10月,美国海军陆战队F-35B在日本航空母舰上进行军事活动。日本是美国以外美国隐形战斗机的最大用户。In the past few years when the United
States changed its diplomatic and strategic stance in the so-called
Indo-Pacific, Japan also changed its position accordingly and has a grand,
so-called "Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy."过去几年里,美国在所谓的印太地区改变了外交和战略立场,日本也随之进行了改变,并制定了宏大的,所谓的“自由开放的印太战略”。At this point, Japan, again, wants to play
an assisting role in some areas, even leading role, in the defense and security
arena. And building more stronger coalition within the Quad or other bilateral
security arrangement with the United States.现在,日本再次希望在国防和安全领域的某些事务中发挥辅助、甚至是主导作用。并且,日本在四方安全对话或其他双边安排中与美国建立更牢固的联盟。This is the World Bank data on Japan’s
military expenditure. From 1961 to 2020, for more than half a century, Japan spent
about 0.9 or 1 percent of its GDP on defense.这是世界银行关于日本军费开支的数据。从1961年到2020年,半个世纪多以来,日本在国防上的投入占GDP的0.9%或者1%。This year, Japan's ruling party proposed to
double it to 2 percent.今年,日本执政党提议将军费开支提高至GDP的2%。It means giving Japan the world's third
largest military budget.这意味着给予日本世界第三大军费预算。Sounds not so pacifist, does it?听起来并不那么和平,不是么?Japan has bandwagoned America's strategic
goals and "China threat" to become a military powerhouse.日本通过搭美国的战略目标的顺风车和鼓吹“中国威胁论”,让自己成为了军事强国。And it is fidgeting even without full
military autonomy. It is sending an active-duty military officer to China's
Taiwan region. Kishida rejected calls to host U.S. nuclear weapons in Japan but
then his government skipped the meeting of parties to UN Treaty on the
Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.即使目前日本还没有完全的军事自主权,它已经在摩拳擦掌了。日本正考虑向中国台湾地区派遣一名现役军官。岸田拒绝了在日本存放美国核武器的呼吁,但随后他的政府就缺席了联合国禁止核武器条约缔约国会议。There are reports about Japan considering a
change in its constitution to allow "enemy base strike capabilities."有报道称,日本在考虑修改宪法,给予自卫队“敌方基地打击能力”。That is beyond self-defense.这已经超出了“自卫”的范畴。The last time Japan had a strong military,
East Asia was consumed by it. In fact, 85 years ago on this very day, not far
from this studio where I’m standing, it launched a full-scale invasion against China. There are
many Chinese who are living today lived through it.上一次日本拥有强大的军事力量的时候,整个东亚都饱受其害。事实上85年前的今天,离这个演播室不远的地方,日本发动了全面侵华战争。许多今天仍健在的中国人都经历过那场深重的灾难。This time, Japan is getting support from
the United States, the only country to have unsed nuclear weapons in combat, a
country that fought wars for 230 years out of its 246 years of existence.这一次,日本得到了美国的支持,得到了世界上唯一一个在战斗中使用过核武器的国家的支持,得到了一个建国246年打了230年仗的国家的支持。Warmongerer and warmongerer. It looks very