为了探访当地知名的“女性集市”,CGTN报道员们来到了喀布尔最大的公园——巴布尔花园,却发现曾经熙熙攘攘的市场如今竟空空如也…原本众人共享的花园,也在两个月前被分为了男女两个区域。报道员们分两路游览花园,原来这里不仅有美景,还有美食~快来看看吧!It’s been nearly a year since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan and the withdrawal of the U.S. and NATO. Since then, women’s rights in the country has been an issue that has raised many concerns. Follow our reporter Huang Yue to a place which was once a women's bazaar in Kabul, and see what it's like there now. 推荐阅读:CGTN记者团深入阿富汗 走进喀布尔最大集市 英媒曝光英特种部队滥杀阿富汗人