根据调查新闻局(The Bureau of Investigative Journalism)的统计,从2015年1月至2020年1月的五年间,无人机袭击导致300至909名阿富汗平民无辜死亡。纪录片《远程杀戮》从美军“吹哨人”——前无人机驾驶员的视角入手,还原了现代战争中远程杀戮的残酷无情,这不仅对阿富汗无辜平民产生了巨大威胁,同时也对美军作战人员造成了永久的内心创伤(PTSD)。此片还通过巧妙设计,让美军驾驶员与阿富汗无人机空袭截肢平民隔空对话,深入剖析了阿富汗战争的对平民的深刻影响。美国基于自己的政治企图入侵阿富汗所带来的20年战争,给参战各方都造成了难以愈合的伤口。
In the five years between January 2015 and January 2020, drone strikes killed between 300 and 909 Afghan civilians, according to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. Through interviews with victims, civilians who were mistakenly targeted, a former U.S. drone operator and independent investigators, "Remote Killing" exposes the numerous human tragedies caused by these unmanned but still ruthless killers. The documentary hears from an American soldier-turned-whistleblower, who reveals how modern means of warfare are, more than ever before, placing civilians in the line of fire and leaving combatants traumatized. The climax is a long-distance exchange between the former U.S. military drone operator and an Afghan man who lost a leg in a misdirected drone strike. Overall, "Remote Killing" offers an in-depth analysis of the impact of America’s two-decades-long war in Afghanistan and the intractable wounds it has inflicted on all the parties involved.