先声夺人 | 中国“经济回归”双引擎:改革不减速,开放不犹豫
编者按:党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央统筹中华民族伟大复兴战略全局和世界百年未有之大变局,带领全党全国人民取得历史性成就。在党的二十大召开之际,CGTN《先声夺人》推出《全景解码中国之道》系列,十大主题,十年印记,通过十篇评论大稿,全面解读中国成功之道。此篇聚焦中国经济发展强引擎 ,通过回溯十八大以来党中央在经济领域做出的重要判断和决策,分析中国经济能持续高质量发展的深层原因。
Editor's note: Over the past decade, China has made great accomplishments while navigating through a tumultuous global environment. As the 20th Communist Party of China National Congress approaches, CGTN First Voice has prepared a 10-part series titled "The China Path: A Panoramic Decoding" to take you through the landmarks and watershed events over the past 10 years and decode the secret of China's development. This is part one of the series, featuring the engine of China's continued economic success.
对话思想者 | “中国主义”为世界经济的可持续发展做出重大贡献