波兰前副总理兼财政部长格泽高滋·科勒德克对中国的发展有着深刻的洞察,曾经出版过多本对中国治理模式深入解读的书籍。“世界不应该害怕中国,”他说,中国独特的政治和经济体制能够为新兴市场国家提供很多经验。Poland's former deputy prime minister and distinguished professor of economics Grzegorz W. Kołodko regards China's development over the last four decades as "the greatest economic success story in the history of mankind." The scholar, who coined the term "Chinism", concludes that China's system of meritocracy and accountability can provide answers to new global challenges. 推荐阅读:CGTN对话思想者 | 变局潮涌,世界需要“金砖”添砖加瓦 CGTN对话思想者 | 如何为挣扎中的全球经济注入反弹动力